Beginning where the South City Corporation 1ine intersects the Ohio River, thence westerly along the South City Corporation line to the comer in the City Corporation line north of Sinclair Avenue, thence Northeast to a point, said point being north of the Lincoln Heights subdivision, thence southeast to the southern most point of Lawson Avenue, thence north along the centerline of Lawson A venue to the centerline of West Adams Street, thence east along the centerline of West Adams Street to the centerline of Maxwell Avenue, thence north along the centerline of Maxwell A venue to a point, thence north on a line, which is the extension of the centerline of Maxwell A venue, to the centerline of Washington Street, thence east along the
centerline of Washington Street to centerline of Market Street, thence east along the centerline of Market Street to the Ohio River, thence south along the eastern City Corporation line following the Ohio River to the Point of beginning.
(Ord. 2011-103. Passed 12-6-11.)