(a)   Traffic Studies.
            (1)    A Traffic Impact Study (TIS) shall be required for any proposed development or use which:
                  A.    In the opinion of the City Engineer, will generate or has the potential to generate traffic volumes equal to or exceeding one hundred (100) vehicle trip ends (total of entering and exiting vehicles for the proposed development or use at full 20-year build out and occupancy) during the highest peak hour of the development or use; or
                  B.    Has been identified by the City Engineer as being located in a safety problem area, high accident location area, or a congested traffic area.
            (2)    A Turn Lane Warrant Analysis may be required by a development or use generating less than one hundred (100) vehicle trip ends in the peak hour if the City Engineer determines such an analysis is necessary. For developments or uses that generate their peak hours predominantly on weekends, a weekend analysis may be required.
            (3)    All TIS and Turn Lane Warrant Analyses shall be completed in accordance with ODOT and AASHTO standards.
            (4)    When a TIS or Turn Lane Warrant Analysis is required, the TIS and Turn Lane Warrant Analysis shall be reviewed by the City Engineer who may stipulate reasonable conditions or restrictions on traffic circulation as deemed necessary for the safe and efficient flow of traffic and the protection of public health, safety and welfare. The Zoning Administrator shall not issue zoning approval until a TIS or Turn Lane Warrant Analysis is approved by the City Engineer.
   (b)    Traffic Circulation Plans.
            (1)    A Traffic Circulation Plan shall be required for any proposed multi-family residential, commercial, industrial or public/semi-public development or use. The Traffic Circulation Plan must be submitted with the application for zoning approval and may be shown on the submitted plot plan or may be a separate drawing.
      (2)    The following information must be shown on the Traffic Circulation Plan: existing and proposed street rights-of-way, cartways and curbs adjacent to and within two hundred (200) feet of the site; existing and proposed lighting, parking spaces, access aisles, landscaped islands, loading and unloading areas, driveways, sidewalks, wheel stops, curbs and other vehicular use controls; existing and proposed traffic controls, including signs, signals, devices, fire lanes, pavement markings and traffic calming facilities; existing and proposed drive through facilities including the stacking lane(s) for such facilities; and existing and proposed direction of traffic channelization and flow within parking areas, including ingress and egress of vehicular traffic between parking areas and abutting streets. In addition, estimated traffic generation data shall be required prepared pursuant to ODOT and AASHTO standards.
            (3)    Safe and convenient vehicular access must be provided for emergency and service vehicles.
            (4)    After receipt of a Traffic Circulation Plan, it shall be reviewed by the City Engineer who may stipulate reasonable conditions or restrictions on traffic circulation as deemed necessary for the safe and efficient flow of traffic and the protection of public health, safety and welfare. The Zoning Administrator shall not issue zoning approval until a Traffic Circulation Plan is approved by the City Engineer.
         (Ord. 2016-11. Passed 4-12-16.)