Temporary and seasonal buildings or uses as defined in this Zoning Code must comply with the following requirements:
      (a)    An application for a certificate of zoning approval and accompanying plot plan shall be required for all temporary or seasonal buildings or uses.
      (b)    Temporary or seasonal buildings or uses must not be used for dwelling purposes and shall not be located in any required open space, landscaped area, on any street or sidewalk or in any public right-of-way or in any utility easement (without the approval of the City Engineer), in any location that interferes with vehicular or pedestrian circulation, in any required off-street parking space, in any location that restricts safe ingress or egress of buildings, in any location that hinders access to fire hydrants or utility shut-off valves, or in any location that obstructs a clear sight triangle or clear sight distance.
      (c)    The following additional limitations shall be placed on specific temporary or seasonal buildings and uses:
            (1)    Carnival or circus in commercial or public/semi-public zoning districts only for a period of not longer than twenty-one (21) days.
            (2)    Christmas tree sales in commercial zoning districts only for a period of not longer than thirty (30) days.
            (3)    Haunted houses in commercial or public/semi-public zoning districts only for a period of not longer than thirty (30) days.
           (4)    Temporary real estate offices in new subdivisions or developments only until the first dwelling or building, which shall be a model dwelling or building, can be constructed.
            (5)    Construction trailers or construction storage units only while active construction is taking place and for a period of not longer than six (6) months unless a longer period is approved by the Zoning Administrator.
            (6)    Model dwellings or buildings in new subdivisions or developments only until completion all other units in the subdivision or development.
       (d)    Seasonal or temporary uses shall not be permitted on any street or sidewalk or in any public right-of-way or in any utility easement unless approved by the City Engineer.
      (e)    Signs for temporary buildings or uses must comply with the sign requirements in Section 1185.38. 
       (f)    The Zoning Administrator may impose such additional reasonable conditions or restrictions as he deems necessary on temporary or seasonal buildings or uses to mitigate potential adverse impacts on surrounding properties, and to protect public health, safety and welfare. These may include, but are not limited to, restricting hours of operation, the volume of music or sound, the intensity of lighting, and on or off-street parking. The Zoning Administrator may also deny approval of any application for a certificate of zoning approval for a temporary or seasonal building or use if he determines it could create an unreasonable risk of injury to persons or property, create disturbances or nuisances, contribute to congestion or hazards related to vehicular or pedestrian traffic, or cause an unreasonable demand for additional City services unless significantly mitigated by the owner or applicant.
      (g)    Activities or special events shall be exempt from the requirements of this section when they are held in buildings or facilities such as amphitheaters, arenas, stadiums, gymnasiums, parks, or similar facilities which are designed and intended to accommodate such special events.
      (Ord. 2016-11. Passed 4-12-16.)