Telecommunications facilities shall comply with the following standards:
(a) Class I facilities:
(1) Permitted in any zoning district; and
(2) Maximum height shall not exceed sixty (60) feet above grade.
(b) Class II facilities:
(1) Permitted in any zoning district except R-1, R-1A, R-2, R-2A, R-3, R-3A, R-4, B-1, B-4, B-5 and C-1 districts; such facilities are however permitted in these zoning districts if a co-location of facilities and equipment on public facilities.
(2) Facilities and equipment shall be designed for co-location on an existing, permitted telecommunications tower, or attachment to an existing building, water tank, or other existing structure. Unless specifically being attached to an existing permitted telecommunications tower, these facilities must be designed utilizing alternative tower structure methods as defined in this Zoning Code.
(c) Class III facilities:
(1) Permitted as a conditional uses in the I-2, I-3 and P districts.
(2) Reserved for new tower structures, with associated antennae and electronic equipment.
(3) Towers shall be designed in such a manner as to permit future co-location of other carrier's antennae, rather than construction of additional single-use towers.
(4) Minimal adverse visual impact of towers and telecommunications facilities shall be achieved through careful design, siting, landscaping and innovative camouflaging techniques.
(5) Security fencing shall be provided around the equipment shed. A clear zone shall be established at a distance equivalent to the tower height around the base within which no existing structures other than the equipment shed shall be permitted.
(6) Potential damage to property caused by towers and telecommunications facilities shall be avoided by ensuring that such structures are soundly and carefully designed, constructed, modified, maintained, and removed when no longer used or determined to be structurally unsound.
(Ord. 2016-11. Passed 4-12-16.)