Residential home facilities as defined herein shall be subject to the following standards:
(a) All buildings or structures shall comply with the City Building Code, applicable health and safety code regulations, and off-street parking requirements.
(b) Where a proposed residential home facility abuts a lot containing a single-family detached dwelling, single-family semi-detached dwelling, or two-family detached dwelling, screening shall be provided by the property owner as defined in this Zoning Code alongside and rear lot lines. Screening alongside lot lines shall begin at the front building line, and continue to and along the rear lot line. Such screening may be broken only at points of pedestrian or vehicular access, in which case a suitable gate must be provided.
(c) The owner(s) of residential home facilities regulated by federal or state agencies shall prior to occupancy and continuously thereafter, display licenses or certificates obtained from said agencies upon the premises, and provide a copy of same to the Zoning Administrator and the Health Department.
(d) In order to promote the benefits of normal residential surroundings for the residents of residential home facilities, in order to promote the goal of deinstitutionalization and to foster integration of said residents into the mainstream of society, and in order to avoid the excessive concentration of residential home facilities that could prevent the attainment of the above goals, no residential home facility shall be located within a radius of 1,250 feet of any other residential home facility. Any residential home facility in existence prior to the effective date of this section and not in compliance with this section shall be a nonconforming use subject to the provisions of Chapter 1187.
(e) The Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council may, in accordance with the conditional use procedures described in Chapter 1191, authorize residential home facilities to locate closer than 1,250 feet of another residential home facility upon finding that:
(1) The future residents of said facility will benefit from normal residential surroundings; and
(2) The placement closer than 1,250 feet of another residential home facility does not hinder the goal of deinstitutionalization; and
(3) The placement of the residential home facility furthers the goal of integrating the future residents Into the mainstream of society; and
(4) A hardship exists in that there are no sites elsewhere in the City for a residential home facility that meet the 1,250 feet spacing requirement.
(Ord. 2016-11. Passed 4-12-16.)