All recyclable collection centers shall comply with the following requirements:
(a) All materials must be kept inside an enclosed building or structure and in appropriate containers, with sanitation measures and frequent emptying to prevent attraction of insects or rodents and avoid fire hazards.
(b) Adequate provisions must be made for the loading, unloading and movement of trucks and for off-street parking.
(c) A fifteen (15) foot buffer zone with screening shall be provided between this use and any abutting residential use or zoning district.
(d) Materials to be collected shall be of the same character as the following materials: paper, fabric, cardboard, plastic, metal, aluminum and glass. No garbage or refuse shall be stored as a part of this use, except for garbage or refuse generated on-site or accidentally collected with the recyclables. Only materials clearly being actively collected for recycling may be stored on-site.
(e) This use shall include only the following operations: collecting, sorting, bailing, loading, weighing, routine cleaning and closely similar work. No burning or melting or mechanical shredding of metal or land filling shall occur. No mechanical operations shall routinely occur at the site other than operations such as baling of cardboard and shredding of newspaper.
(f) The use shall not include the collection or processing of pieces of metal that have a weight greater than fifty (50) pounds.
(Ord. 2016-11. Passed 4-12-16.)