All lots shall comply with the following standards unless otherwise provided for in Chapter 1148 of this Zoning Code:
      (a)    Access to Public Streets. Every lot hereafter upon which a dwelling is constructed, moved or remodeled into a greater number of dwellings shall be on a lot which abuts a public street or a private street in compliance with the City's Subdivision Regulations, the right-of-way width of which is not less than thirty (30) feet. Any lot which does not abut a public street or way of sufficient width but which was in separate ownership prior to August 6, 1951, may be used for a dwelling, the number of dwelling units therein to be in accordance with the regulations for the zoning district in which the lot is located.
      (b)    Lot Width, Area and Yards. Any lot which was of less width or area than as specified for the zoning district in which it lies but which was a lot of a recorded subdivision or which was in separate ownership from adjoining lots prior to August 6, 1951, may be used for residential dwelling purposes in accordance with the regulations for the zoning district in which the lot is located. No construction of buildings nor division of land by sale shall reduce the width, area or yards of any lot below the standards of this Zoning Code. In a commercial or industrial district no front or rear yard for an existing residential dwelling may be reduced below eight (8) feet nor any side yard below four (4) feet. No portion of any lot area, yard area, or street frontage that is required for a building or use under this Zoning Code may be used by another building or use to conform to the standards of this Zoning Code. Nothing in this Zoning Code shall prevent the erection of one (1) building on two (2) adjacent lots for a permitted purpose.
      (Ord. 2016-11. Passed 4-12-16.)