(a) When Permitted; Evidence of Use. Home occupations shall be permitted within a single dwelling unit provided that no persons other than those persons residing in said dwelling are employed in the home occupation. In addition, home occupations shall not:
(1) Store goods, products, materials or equipment outside dwellings.
(2) Involve the use of any garage or accessory building, or yard area.
(3) Generate vehicular or pedestrian traffic beyond that which would be considered normal to the neighborhood in which it is located.
(4) Involve the use of commercial vehicles for delivery to or from the premises.
(5) Alter the exterior of the structure in such a manner that it may no longer be reasonably recognized as serving primarily as a residential dwelling.
(6) Involve the use of more than one-third (1/3) of the total floor area of any dwelling.
(7) Involve the use of signs other than those permitted pursuant to Section 1185.40(a) of this chapter.
(b) Permitted Uses. One (1) of the following home occupations shall be permitted for a single family dwelling.
(1) Beauty parlor or barber shop with not more than one (1) customer service chair.
(2) Type B family day-care homes in single-family detached dwellings only, as defined by O.R.C. 5104.01(E).
(3) Teaching or tutoring of not more than four (4) students simultaneously.
(4) Photography or art studio.
(5) Professional or business office.
(6) Custom embroidery, tailoring, dress-making or shoe repair.
(7) Businesses conducted entirely by telephone, mail or the internet.
(8) Limited baking or catering activities for occasional parties or special events and in compliance with Health Department requirements.
(9) Any similarly related customary home occupation which in the opinion of the Zoning Administrator is clearly incidental to the residential use of the premises and neighborhood.
(c) Permits Required. An annual permit shall be required for all home occupations. Applications for Home Occupation Permits shall be made to the Zoning Administrator and accompanied by an application fee of ten dollars ($10.00). The Zoning Administrator shall approve such applications where all the requirements of this Zoning Code have been met. Home Occupation Permits shall be non-transferable from individual, occupation or location and shall automatically expire one (1) year from the date of permit issuance.
(d) Exception. The following may be permitted subject to the Special Exception requirements in Chapter 1189 of this Zoning Code.
(1) Employment by the home occupation of not more than one (1) other person who is not a resident of the dwelling where the home occupation is taking place; and
(2) Use of a garage area or other permitted accessory building in conjunction with a home occupation, provided the property can still comply with off-street parking requirements without the garage space being considered and where no outdoor storage of goods, products, materials or equipment takes place.
(Ord. 2016-11. Passed 4-12-16.)