Exotic animals are increasing in popularity as domesticated pets however the keeping of such animals needs to be closely regulated to insure that such animals do not become a nuisance or danger to the public and the neighborhood where the animal resides. These regulations are intended to apply to exotic animals kept as pets accessory to single-family detached residential dwelling units only and shall not apply in the "R-A", Residential Agricultural District. The City Council finds that keeping of such animals as pets so as not to create a nuisance can be reasonable accommodated by regulation and the following restrictions:
   (a)    Chickens, Ducks, Rabbits. The keeping of chickens, ducks and rabbits, and cages, coops and enclosures for the keeping of such animals, shall be governed by the following regulations:
           (1)    Number. No more than one (1) such animal shall be kept on a lot or parcel for each one thousand square feet of land area, up to a maximum of five (5) such animals. The minimum lot size shall be five thousand square feet.
           (2)    Setbacks. The coops or cages housing such animals shall not be located in any front or side yard area and shall not be located within five (5) feet of any lot line.
           (3)    Prohibitions. No roosters shall be housed or kept in any zoning district except the "R-A", Residential Agricultural District.
           (4)    Coops and Cages. All such animals shall be provided with a covered, predator-proof coop or cage that is thoroughly ventilated, designed to be easily accessed and cleaned, and of sufficient size to permit free movement of the animals. The total area of all coops or cages on a lot shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet. Coops or cages shall not exceed fifteen (15) feet in height.
           (5)   Enclosures and Fences. Chickens and ducks shall have access to an outdoor enclosure adequately fenced or otherwise bounded to contain the birds on the property, prevent access by predators, and providing at least ten (10) square feet of area for each bird.
   (b)    Miniature Pigs. The keeping of miniature pigs and sheds and enclosures for the keeping of such animals shall be governed by the following regulations:
      (1)    Number. Not more than two (2) such animals shall be kept on the lot or parcel and the minimum lot size shall be five thousand square feet.
      (2)    Housing. Such animals may be housed indoors within the interior of the dwelling unit protected from extreme heat and cold, or may be provided with a shed for shelter. If an outdoor shed is used, it must be a covered, predator-proof shed that is thoroughly ventilated, designed to be easily accessed and cleaned, and of sufficient size to permit free movement of the animals. The total area of the shed shall be not less than one hundred (100) square feet and not more than two hundred (200) square feet. Sheds shall not exceed fifteen (15) feet in height.
      (3)    Restrictions. All miniature pigs must be spayed or neutered by a licensed veterinarian. Such animals shall not exceed 150 pounds in weight. Such animals must be restrained by a harness and leash when on public streets, sidewalks or in other public places.
      (4)    Enclosures and Fences. Direct access must be provided to an outdoor enclosure that is a minimum of four hundred (400) square feet, surrounded by a fence that is at least four (4) feet in height and secured from outside the fence. The enclosure must be easily accessible for cleaning.
   (c)    Miniature Goats. The keeping of miniature goats, and sheds and enclosures for the keeping of such animals shall be governed by the following regulations:
           (1)    Number. Two (2) such animals must be kept on the lot or parcel at all times and the minimum lot size shall be five thousand square feet.
            (2)    Setbacks. The shed housing such animals shall not be located in any front or side yard area and shall not be located within five (5) feet of any lot line.
           (3)    Restrictions. Male miniature goats must be neutered by a licensed veterinarian.
           (4)    Sheds. All such animals shall be provided with a covered, predator-proof goat shed that is thoroughly ventilated, designed to be easily accessed and cleaned, and of sufficient size to permit free movement of the animals. The total area of the shed shall be not less than one hundred (100) square feet and not more than two hundred (200) square feet. Sheds shall not exceed fifteen (15) feet in height.
           (5)    Enclosures and Fences. Goat sheds shall provide direct access to an outdoor enclosure that is a minimum of four hundred (400) square feet, surrounded by a fence that is at least four (4) feet in height and secured from outside the fence. The area within the enclosure must be maintained free of objects that would allow the goats to climb out of the enclosure. The enclosure must be easily accessible for cleaning.
   (d)    Lots without a Residence. Exotic animals are not permitted to be housed on a lot where no occupied residence is located.
   (e)    Sanitation and Nuisances. Exotic animals shall be kept only in conditions that limit odors, noise and the attraction of insects and rodents so as not to create a nuisance or cause health hazards. Such animals shall also not be kept in a manner that is injurious or unhealthful to the animals being kept on the property.
   (f)    Registration Required. Property owners proposing to keep exotic animals must first submit an application for registration to the Office of the Steubenville Planning and Zoning Commission. Registered owners of exotic animals must be at least eighteen (18) years of age. The Zoning Administrator shall maintain application forms and shall require such information on forms along with accompanying documentation as is necessary to reasonably implement the provisions of this section. Registration shall be valid for one (1) year and it shall be the sole responsibility of the applicant to annually submit applications for registration renewal.
   (g)    Building Conditions. The keeping of exotic animals shall not be permitted on any lot upon which a building that is vacant, has been condemned, or declared unfit for human habitation is situated.
   (h)    Permits. Certificate of zoning approval and a building permit shall be required for all outdoor coops, cages, sheds, fences and other enclosures.
   (i)    Enforcement. The Zoning Administrator or his designee shall inspect each premise to determine compliance with this section. If a proposed premise fails to comply, then the application for registration shall be denied by the Zoning Administrator. In the event it is determined that a currently registered premise fails to comply with this section, then the procedures in Section 1193.07 of this Zoning Code shall apply. (Ord. 2016-11. Passed 4-12-16.)