There shall be no fee for petitions for neighborhood conservation districts; however the person filing a petition must provide the Clerk of Council with an advance deposit of five hundred dollars ($500.00) to be used to cover the cost of advertising the public hearing and providing a stenographic record of the hearing. Upon receipt of the advance deposit, the Clerk of Council shall deposit the fee with the Director of Finance who shall establish a special fund with which to hold such fees until the cost of advertising and stenographer for the petition can be determined. All expenses incurred from advertising the petition by the City shall be paid from such special fund. Upon payment in full of expenses incurred, any monies remaining from the deposit shall be returned to the depositor by the Director of Finance. In the event that the amount of the deposit is insufficient to cover all expenses incurred by the City, then, prior to final action by Council, the Clerk of Council shall advise the depositor of the total amount needed for such additional costs and no action shall be taken by Council until the full amount of costs have been paid.
(Ord. 2014-52. Passed 7-8-14.)