(a)   Adding Parcels to an Existing District. Properties that are adjacent to an existing neighborhood conservation district may be added to the district, and those property owners may file a petition and follow the procedures as described in Section 1175.04 of this chapter. Those petitioned parcels must conform to the boundary criteria in Section 1175.04 (a)(7). The number of signatures required is based upon the total number of parcels, including the existing district.
   (b)   Removing Parcels from an Existing District. Any property owner within an existing neighborhood conservation district may petition to be removed from the district by following the procedures described in Section 1175.04 of this chapter. The number of signatures required is based on the total number of parcels, including the existing district. The remaining parcels must conform to the boundary criteria in Section 1175.04 (a)(7).
   (c)   Abolishing an Existing District. Property owners may file a petition to abolish an existing neighborhood conservation district by following the same procedures for establishing a district described in Section 1175.04 of this chapter.
(Ord. 2014-52. Passed 7-8-14.)