A.    The Council shall meet regularly at least twice in every month at such times and places as the Council may prescribe by rule.
   B.    Special meetings of Council may be called in accordance with and as provided for by its rules. In the absence of such provisions, special meetings may be called by motion of the Council taken at any regular or special meeting thereof, or shall be called by the written request of three (3) members of Council. Any such request shall state the time, place and date thereof and the subject or subjects to be considered at the meeting. No other subject or subjects shall be considered. Notice in writing of each such special meeting shall be given to each member of the Council by serving the same on each of them personally or by leaving a copy thereof at his or her usual place of residence not less than twenty-four (24) hours preceding the date and hour of such meeting. All meetings of Council shall be public; any citizen shall have access to the minutes and records of Council at all business hours. In adopting its own rules and regulations, Council shall provide that prior to voting on any ordinance or resolution, any citizen shall be granted an opportunity to comment on such ordinance or resolution. Any resident addressing Council at this time shall be limited to ten (10) minutes, and copies of all pending legislation shall be available at all Council meetings. In addition, Council shall provide any person or group at least five (5) minutes before adjournment to speak on any matter pertinent to City affairs.
(Amended 11-4-14)