(a) Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan. The City Engineer shall issue an earth disturbance permit for earth disturbance activity only on the basis of plans and specifications submitted to and approved by him. A separate permit shall be required for each site. Unless waived or modified pursuant to Section 1339.07
the Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan, which shall be prepared by a professional surveyor or professional engineer and submitted with the permit application, shall include:
(1) The property owner's name and address and the names and addresses of abutting property owners;
(2) A plot plan, drawn to a scale of one inch equals fifty feet, with tract boundaries showing accurate bearings and distances, and including a location map sufficient to denote the location of the proposed work;
(3) Northpoint for the site;
(4) Municipal corporation and township lines;
(5) A contour map of the affected area showing existing and proposed topographic contours at vertical intervals of two feet for lands with a slope of less than fifteen percent (15%) and five feet for lands with a slope of fifteen percent (15%) or greater. Contour elevations shall be tied to the latest U.S. Geological Survey datum;
(6) The location of the top and toe of each proposed excavation, cut, fill or grade;
(7) The proposed amount of excavation, cut, fill or grading in cubic yards;
(8) The location of any existing or proposed streets, easements, rights-of-way, walks, access drives and parking areas;
(9) The location of any existing and proposed buildings or structures on the site;
(10) The location of existing watercourses and the general location of wetlands, tree masses and other significant natural features on the site;
(11) The location of utilities, including water lines, sewer lines, storm sewers, natural gas lines, electric lines and telephone lines on the site;
(12) The location of any borrow sites;
(13) The location of any proposed disposal site for any contemplated excess materials;
(14) The methods planned to control soil erosion and sedimentation during and after earth disturbance and construction, including but not limited to, diversions, detention or retention basins, sediment basins, grassed waterways, straw bales, silt fences, high delay vegetative strips and other related soil erosion and sedimentation controls; and
(15) Additional information as may reasonably be required by the City Engineer.
(b) Site Stabilization Plan. Unless waived or modified pursuant to Section 1339.07
the Site Stabilization Plan, which shall be prepared by a professional engineer, shall include, in addition to the requirements of subsection (a) hereof:
(1) A report showing the results of surface and subsurface exploration, conditions of the land and procedures for performing the operations;
(2) A description of the borrow materials, and the methods to be used for and the degree of its proposed compaction;
(3) The proposed preparation of the existing ground surface to receive fill;
(4) Proposed subsurface drainage if necessary for stability;
(5) Plans for all temporary and permanent retaining walls, fences and other protective measures to be constructed in connection with, or as a part of the proposed work;
(6) An estimate of the cost of protection, relocation or modification of water, sanitary sewer or storm sewer lines or watercourses, if applicable; and
(7) A timing schedule and sequence indicating the anticipated starting and completion dates of the development sequence, stripping and/or clearing, cutting, filling, rough grading and construction, final grading, landscaping and vegetative establishment, and maintenance, and the time of exposure of each area prior to the completion of the site stabilization/soil erosion and sedimentation control measures.
(Ord. 2011-69. Passed 9-13-11.)