Any building which is razed or demolished in accordance with the terms and provisions of this chapter shall be done so subject to the following conditions:
   (a)    General.     
      (1)   All demolition debris and all trash, rubbish, or other debris, including all tires and concrete/masonry materials must be removed from the site and properly disposed of at a licensed landfill in accordance with Federal and State laws.
      (2)   No trash, rubbish, debris, lumber, glass or other materials from a razed or demolished building shall be permitted to remain upon the lot or tract of land upon which such building was located longer than five (5) days after the razing or demolishing of such building.
      (3)   Salvage material shall not be permitted to be stored upon any property whether privately owned or owned by the City unless such storage is authorized by the Building Inspector and also approved by the City Manager.
      (4)   All walks, steps, walls, driveways, slabs and other appurtenances shall be removed from the site unless such removal creates a hazard to adjacent structures as determined by the Building Inspector.
           (5)    No material shall be stored upon a site so as to constitute a hazard or an unsightly condition, unless such material is to be used for construction of another structure to be constructed within thirty (30) days from the date of the storing of such materials.
      (6)   No advertising of any description, bill posting or the erection of signs of any type shall be permitted upon any barricades erected in the demolition area other than for the purpose of warning the general public or providing directions to traverse the demolition area.
      (7)   Demolition shall only be permitted to take place Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. (except holidays) unless an alternative schedule is approved in advance by the Building Inspector.
      (8)   All streets, alleys, sidewalks and utilities adjacent to the site shall be protected from damage during demolition. In the event of damage caused by demolition activities, the owner and/or contractor shall be responsible for the cost of repairs.
      (9)   In the event of conflict between these requirements and the provisions of any Federal, State or local law, the more restrictive provision shall govern.
   (b)    Safety.
            (1)    Working conditions and equipment for those persons involved in the demolition of buildings shall be in accordance with all Federal and State laws governing and regulating the demolition of buildings.
      (2)    Areas upon which demolition of buildings is taking place shall be cleaned of debris daily so as to prevent the accumulation of hazardous and unhealthful conditions.
      (3)   Pedestrians shall be protected during demolition activities. Signs shall be provided to direct pedestrian traffic. Pedestrian protection measures shall be approved by the Building Inspector prior to the granting of a permit.
      (4)   Walks with guardrails shall be provided for the safety and use of the public required to traverse the area adjacent to the demolition site unless the Building Inspector authorizes the sidewalk to be closed. Walks shall be of sufficient width to accommodate pedestrian traffic, but in no case shall they be less than four (4) feet in width. Walkways shall be provided with a durable, all-weather walking surface. Walkways shall be designed to support all imposed loads.
      (5)   Pedestrian traffic shall be protected by a directional barricade where the walkway extends into the street. The directional barricade shall be of sufficient size and construction to direct vehicular traffic away from the pedestrian path.
      (6)   Sufficient barricades and warning lights shall be erected so as to effectively warn the public of the existing danger of the demolition of the buildings. Such barricades shall be erected with sufficient height and distance so as to insure that debris from the demolition of the building shall not spill upon private property adjoining the demolition site, or upon public streets and walkways.
      (7)   Pedestrian protection required by this section shall maintained in place and kept in good condition for the entire length of time pedestrians may be endangered. The owner or contractor, upon completion of site restoration, shall immediately remove walkways and other obstructions and leave the site in the condition which existed prior to demolition.
    (c)    Utilities.
       (1)   Electrical, natural gas, telephone and cable television service shall be disconnected prior to the start of demolition. Protection shall be provided for all utilities that are required to remain in use while the demolition takes place.
      (2)   Water service shall be terminated by the City at the curb box. In the event there is no functioning curb box or water service cannot be shut off, termination shall be coordinated with the City Water Department.
      (3)   Any sanitary sewers within any buildings to be demolished must be plugged at the outlet with concrete and approved by the Building Inspector prior to backfilling.
   (d)    Dust Control.   
      (1)   Areas upon which demolition is occurring shall be kept as dust free as possible, and covered shoots and roll-off containers/vehicles shall be used in disposing and hauling away of debris.
      (2)   Buildings being razed or demolished shall be watered down throughout, before and during demolition, so as to insure and protect against fire and dust or other air-borne particles being spread to adjoining properties.
      (3)   Fire hydrants required to be used during the demolition or utilized in pre-cleaning or post- cleaning of the area shall be used only when in compliance with the City of Steubenville Water Policy. A copy of the Water Policy is on file with and available from the Utility Collection Office. A water truck may be used to supply water for dust control in lieu of connection to a fire hydrant.
      (e)    Basement Floors. Any building with concrete basement floors shall have such floors broken up, so as to provide for adequate drainage during the time of razing or demolition.
   (f)   Backfilling.   
      (1)   Foundations, crawl spaces, tanks, basements, wells, cisterns and other voids must be removed to at least twenty-four (24) inches below grade level and backfilled to prior grade.
      (2)   Backfill material shall consist of uncontaminated clean hard fill as defined by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency and Ohio Administrative Code section 3745-400-05 and shall not include plastic or rubber, metal, glass, cloth, brush, trees, wood, or any combustible material. If the fill contains concrete/masonry/stone materials, such materials must not exceed six (6) inches in any dimension and shall be placed in lifts no thicker than eighteen (18) inches as placed and compacted with suitable non-vibrating compaction equipment (Sheep's Foot Compactor). Lift thickness must be reduced to eight (8) inches in confined areas accessible only to hand guided compaction equipment (Walk Behind Sheep's Foot Compactor).
      (3)   Any material generated from the demolition site, including concrete/masonry material, shall be considered demolition debris and shall be disposed of properly. Such material cannot be used as backfill material.
   (g)    Site Restoration.
      (1)   Upon completion of backfilling, at least four (4) inches of soil which will support grass vegetation shall be placed over the entire disturbed area, the area seeded with common lawn grass and then mulched.
      (2)   Prior to seeding and mulching, the final demolition site shall be hand-raked so as to leave a surface free of rock or other debris that is not compacted and is capable of receiving and supporting grass seed/growth. The grade shall consist of the grade that existed prior to demolition so that surface drainage to or from abutting properties is not adversely affected, unless another grade is approved by the Building Inspector.
      (3)   Compliance with the site restoration requirements in this subsection shall not be required where another structure is to be constructed on the site, when such construction will begin within thirty (30) days, and when a building permit has been issued for such construction.
   (h)    Warranty.
        (1)   The owner and/or contractor shall guarantee the work against improper settlement for a period of one (1) year from the date of completion of work.
      (2)   In the event of improper settling which causes gullying, holes, dips or other voids during the warranty period, the owner and/or contractor must return to the site to fill, properly compact, grade, seed and mulch the site as per the requirements of this Section. The failure to properly correct problems caused by improper settling within the time period specified by the Building Inspector shall be considered a violation of this Section.
(Ord. 2017-11. Passed 2-21-17.)