The Board of Zoning Appeals shall hold regular meetings at least once a month when there are matters to come before it, and special meetings and on-site meetings when necessary and called by the Chairman. Attendance by members of the Board shall be in person. The Board shall hold a public hearing on all cases coming before it, notice of which hearing shall be given in a newspaper of general circulation in the City at least ten (10) days before the date of such hearing. The Secretary shall send written notice of each public hearing at least five (5) days before the date of the hearing, to the owners of contiguous property and owners whose properties are directly across the street from the parcel or parcels for which the hearing is to be held. All meetings of the Board shall be public. Minutes of all meetings shall be recorded, showing the attendance of members, the vote of each member on each case and the relevant statements or testimony of the Zoning Administrator and others who may be in attendance. Such minutes shall be kept at the office of the Zoning Administrator and shall be a public record. Where due notice shall have been published and there has been substantial compliance with the remaining provisions of this section, the failure to give notice to property owners in exact conformance herewith shall not be deemed to invalidate action taken by the City in connection with the granting of any variance.