(a) Residential Uses.
(1) Dwelling unit structures shall be located and interspersed so as to promote pedestrian and visual access to common open space.
(2) Interior yards and/or structural spacing between dwellings and units shall be provided in accordance with the following minimums:
Front to Front: |
60 Feet |
Front to Side: |
40 Feet |
Front to Rear: |
60 Feet |
Side to Rear: |
40 Feet |
Side to Side: |
15 Feet |
Rear to Rear: |
50 Feet |
Corner to Corner: |
10 Feet |
(3) Dwelling unit structures shall be located and arranged so as to promote privacy for residents within the Planned Unit Development and maintain privacy for residents adjacent to the site. Structures shall be located within the development so that there will be no adverse impact such as excluding natural light or invading the privacy of adjacent structures.
(4) No building shall be erected to a height in excess of thirty-five (35) feet, provided however, that this height limit may be increased one (1) foot for each additional foot that the width of each yard exceeds the minimum required and that considerations for fire and other safety features have been adequately accounted for.
(5) No structure shall be located within fifteen (15) feet a street right-of-way line.
(b) Commercial Uses.
(1) All commercial uses shall be located in a single, concentrated area of the Planned Unit Development.
(2) All commercial uses shall be located with direct access to at least a collector street.
(3) Commercial signs are permitted subject to the following:
A. A single sign for the commercial center shall be permitted provided such sign face shall be limited to a height of six (6) feet with a total area of not exceeding fifty (50) square feet.
B. Signs for individual business shall be located on the face of structures and shall be no more than thirty (30) square feet in area.
C. Other than requirements A and B above, signs shall be subject to the requirements contained elsewhere in this Zoning Code.
(c) Common Open Space.
(1) Common open space shall be designed as an integral part of the Planned Unit Development, and shall be so placed within the development to provide maximum possible accessibility to each dwelling unit.
(2) Significant natural features such as woodland areas, large trees, natural watercourses and bodies of water, rock outcroppings and scenic views shall be incorporated into common open space areas whenever possible. However, no less than twenty-five (25) percent of the total common open space area shall be suitable for intensive use as an active play area.
(3) The uses authorized for common open space must be appropriate to the scale and character of the Planned Unit Development, considering its natural features, size, land use intensity, potential population, and the number and types of dwelling units to be developed.
(d) Streets, Curbs and Sidewalks, Sanitary Sewer, Water, Storm Drainage and Soil Erosion Control. Streets, curbs and sidewalks, sanitary sewers, water lines, storm drainage and soil erosion control shall be designed and constructed in accordance with City requirements and standards. Performance guarantees and subsequent release of guarantees for all required improvements shall be in accordance with the procedures described in the City's Subdivision Regulations.
(e) Off-Street Parking Requirements. The off-street parking requirements set forth in chapter 1185 of this Zoning Code shall be complied with in the Planned Unit Development. Off-street parking requirements for residential dwelling units in the Planned Unit Development shall be as follows:
(1) For each single-family detached dwelling and single-family semi-detached dwelling there shall be provided in a private garage or driveway, at least two (2) off-street parking spaces for each dwelling unit.
(2) For townhouses or single-family attached dwellings and multi-family structures or garden apartments, off-street parking shall be provided for each dwelling unit as follows:
Efficiency Unit | 1.5 |
1.Bedroom | 2.0 |
2.Bedrooms | 2.5 |
3 or more Bedrooms | 3.0 |
The total number of parking spaces required shall be rounded up to the next whole number where a fractional total would result.
(f) Tree Conservation and Landscaping.
(1) The protection of trees six (6) inches or more in diameter (measured at a height four and one-half (4-1/2) feet above the original grade) shall be a factor in determining the location of open space, structures, underground utilities, walks and paved areas. Areas in which trees are preserved shall remain at original grade level and undisturbed wherever possible.
(2) Where extensive natural tree cover and vegetation does not exist and cannot be preserved on the Planned Unit Development site, landscaping shall be regarded as an essential feature of the Planned Unit Development. In these cases, a Landscaping Plan shall be required in accordance with the provisions of chapter 1185 of this Zoning Code, in order to enhance the appearance of the Planned Unit Development, aid in erosion control, manage storm water, provide protection from wind and sun, screen streets and parking areas, and enhance the privacy of dwelling units.
(g) Fees. Fees for the processing of Planned Unit Development applications shall be the same as those for subdivision plats as described in the City's Subdivision Regulations.