(a)   River Access. A public access easement shall be provided and maintained within twenty (20) feet landward from the normal pool elevation of the river, and from such easement to a public right-of-way. The width of the public access easement may be reduced to ten (10) feet along adjacent property lines where a ten (10) foot easement is provided within each property, together totalling twenty (20) feet in width.
   (b)   Public Areas. The improvement of the required or provided yard and riverbank setback area and the provision of areas for public enjoyment of the river, such as parks, landscaping, walkways and common open space, shall be considered an integral part of all development proposals in this district. Plans for all new construction in the "C-2" District, including plans for the protection and improvement of the yard and riverbank areas, shall be approved by the Planning Commission before the issuance of zoning approval.