The applicable certificates and acknowledgments stated below shall be inscribed with black waterproof India ink or veritype on the plat, exactly as stated, and shall be properly signed in reproducible ink by the appropriate officials. The Subdivider should consult with the Staff to identify those certificates/ acknowledgments which are necessary in a given case.
   (a)   Certification by Surveyor that the survey and plat are accurate and correct:
      I (Surveyor's Name) , a Professional Surveyor registered by the State of Ohio, do hereby certify that the plat as shown hereon is based upon actual field survey of the land described and that all angles, distances and courses are correctly shown, that the monuments and markers have been set as shown on the plat, and that this plat correctly represents the lots, land, streets and highways as surveyed and plotted by me for the owners or agents.
                                    SEAL (Signature of Surveyor)
Date   (Registration No.)
   (b)   Certification by Professional Engineer that the plans and specifications for water supply and/or sewage disposal facilities comply with applicable regulations:
      I (Engineer's Name) , a Professional Engineer registered by the State of Ohio, do hereby certify that the plans and specifications as shown hereon for the subdivision plat known as (Name of Subdivision) comply with the design criteria and construction standards of the (City or County Water and Sewer District).
                              SEAL (Signature of Engineer)
       Date    (Registration No.)
   (c)   Certificate of ownership and acknowledgment of Subdivision Plat:
Before me, the subscriber, a Notary Public, personally appeared (Name of Landowner) , who being duly sworn according to the law, deposes and says they are the owners and/or equitable owners of the property shown on the plat, and that they acknowledge the same to be their act and plat according to the law.
    (Signature of Landowner)
      Sworn to and subscribed before me this          day of                        19   .
      My Commission expires the       day of                    , 19    .
    (Signature of Notary)
    Notary Public
   (d)   Certificate for approval of Lot Additions by Staff:
      Approved by Steubenville Planning & Zoning Commission; no plat required. Cannot be used for structure or placement of building for human occupancy.
(Signature of City Planner)                                
    City Planner    Date
   (e)   Certificate for approval of Minor Subdivisions by Staff:
      Approved by Steubenville Planning & Zoning Commission.
(Signature of City Planner)                                
    City Planner    Date
   (f)   Certificate for approval of Major Subdivisions by Planning Commission:
      Approved by Steubenville Planning & Zoning Commission on                   19   .
       (Signature of Secretary)    (Signature of Chair)
       Secretary    Chairperson
   (g)   Certificate for approval of public water supply and/or sewage disposal facilities:
      It is hereby certified that all plans and specifications for (water supply and/or sanitary sewer) facilities in the subdivision plat known as (Name of Subdivision) have been reviewed and approved by the (City or County Water and Sewer District) .
                                       (Signature of Engineer)
       Date   City Engineer or County
         Water & Sewer District
   (h)   Certificate for acknowledgment of easements:
      Easements shown on this plat are for the construction, operation, maintenance, repair, replacement or removal of water, gas, sewer, electric, telephone, or other utilities or services, and for the express privilege of removing any and all trees or other obstructions to the free use of said utilities and for providing of ingress and egress to the property for said purposes, and are to be maintained as such forever.
                                (Signature of Landowner)
   (i)   Offer of dedication:
      We the undersigned, owners of the real property shown and described hereon, do hereby certify that we have laid off, platted and subdivided said property and that all proposed streets, easements, and other property identified as proposed public property shown and not heretofore dedicated (excepting those areas labeled as "private"), are hereby dedicated to the public use.
                                      (Signature of Landowner)
   (j)   Recording Certificate:
      State of Ohio, County of Jefferson
      Received for record on the       day of                    19    .
      Recorded on the        day of                 , 19     in Plat Book No.       , Page      .
                (Signature of Recorder)
                County Recorder