All lots must conform to the minimum requirements of the Zoning Code for the zoning district in which the lot is located, and to minimum requirements of the Health Department for factors related to sewage disposal and/or water supply.
(a) Lots shall be laid out so as to provide reasonable access; soil and geologic conditions should be compatible with the proposed uses; and the alteration of existing site conditions should be kept to a minimum.
(b) All lots shall front on an existing or proposed public street with a minimum right-of-way width of fifty (50) feet as provided for in these Regulations.
(c) Lots shall be laid out so as to provide proper drainage away from buildings. Individual lot drainage shall be coordinated with the general storm drainage pattern for the area.
(d) Catch basins and fire hydrants must be placed so as to provide unimpeded access to each lot.
(e) Side lot lines shall be substantially at right angles or radial to street lines.
(f) If unusable remnants of land exist after subdividing, such that they are below the minimum lot size and cannot be further subdivided, they shall be incorporated into existing or proposed lots.
(g) Double frontage lots are prohibited except where essential to prevent vehicular access to arterial streets or to overcome topographic and orientation disadvantage.
(h) All lots with street frontage not otherwise regulated by zoning requirements shall have at least fifty (50) feet of street frontage.