All construction of sidewalks shall conform to the following minimum requirements:
(a) Installation. In all proposed high density residential and commercial subdivisions, sidewalks shall be installed on all lot frontages.
(1) Sidewalks shall be at least five (5) feet wide when located within commercial subdivisions, and at least four (4) feet wide when located in residential subdivisions. All sidewalks shall be located within the street right-of-way . Where a subdivision is an extension of or adjacent to an existing or recorded subdivision with walks, sidewalks shall align with the existing walks.
(2) Wherever the proposed subdivision is within five hundred (500) feet of a shopping center, school, recreation area or other such facilities, sidewalks leading to such facilities shall be required and shall be at least five (5) feet wide and located within the street right-of-way.
(b) Construction. Sidewalks, where provided, shall be constructed of 3500 psi Cement Concrete. They shall be constructed at least four (4) inches thick, underlain by three (3) inches of compacted crushed stone, gravel or blast furnace slag. Expansion joints shall be provided at least every twenty (20) feet and contraction joints, trowel formed or sawed, every five (5) feet. A grass planting strip may be required between the curb and sidewalk.