The Planning Commission shall require that a Subdivider provide the following improvements in all subdivisions outside the City's corporate limits and within the City's three-mile area of jurisdiction, to be installed by the Subdivider at his cost and installed in accordance with the design standards and construction requirements as stated in these Regulations.
   (a)   Connection to County water supply and sanitary sewer facilities;
   (b)   Utilization of alternative water supply and sewage disposal systems where connection to County facilities is not feasible, and when approved by the County Health Department;
   (c)   The installation of fire hydrants where County water supply facilities are provided;
   (d)   Storm water management facilities, including culverts, channels, swales, retention or detention basins, curbs, drains, gutters or storm sewers, where necessary;
   (e)   Streets, roads, access drives and sidewalks, where necessary; and
   (f)   Monuments and markers.