Subdivisions which contain no more than five (5) lots, not including any new streets or easements of access and not requiring the extension of public water or sanitary sewer lines, may be reviewed and acted upon by the Staff as a Final Plat without the necessity of prior Preliminary Plat approval. The following Single Plat procedure shall be utilized when submitting Minor Subdivision Plats for review and consideration:
   (a)   Single Plat Requirements. Four (4) copies of the Minor Subdivision Plat in the form of a map or series of maps on sheet sizes eight and one-half (8-1/2) inches by fourteen (14) inches, eighteen (18) inches by twenty-four (24) inches or twenty-four (24) inches by thirty-six (36) inches drawn to a scale of fifty (50) feet to the inch. The error of closure shall not be more than one (1) part in ten thousand (10,000). Plats shall show the following:
      (1)   Title block, including the name and address of the landowner and the name of the subdivision, if applicable;
      (2)   Northpoint for the subdivision;
      (3)   Graphic scale as well as written scale;
      (4)   Deed book and page number of the tract or tracts being subdivided, and the location of the subdivision by section, township and range;
      (5)   Municipal corporation and township lines;
      (6)   Tract boundaries showing accurate bearings and distances;
      (7)   All existing streets, easements and rights-of-way on or adjacent to the tract, including name, right-of-way width, cartway width, and easement dimensions including the purpose for which the easement has been established;
      (8)   All existing buildings, public water lines, sanitary sewer lines, storm sewers, natural gas lines, electric and telephone lines, fire hydrants, and other significant man-made features on or adjacent to the tract;
      (9)   Floodplain boundaries determined pursuant to the City Zoning Code or other applicable regulations;
      (10)   Proposed lot lines with dimensions to the nearest hundredth foot and bearings to the nearest degree, minute and second, including a numbering system to identify each lot, and accurate area of the lots proposed;
      (11)   Site data to include proposed use or uses, number of lots, total acreage of lots being subdivided, number of acres in the total tract, number and type of dwelling units and/or structures including the gross residential density and the present zoning classification, if applicable;
      (12)   Location map at a scale not smaller than two thousand (2,000) feet to the inch, including a northpoint, showing the proposed subdivision and adjoining areas sufficient to denote the proposed location;
      (13)   Location and material of all permanent monuments and lot markers;
      (14)   Building setback lines on all lots and parcels, and other sites at not less than the minimum fixed by the Zoning Code; and
      (15)   Proposed public buildings, parking areas, access drives, location of screening, active play areas and parcels of land that are to be reserved for public use and common open space, if any; and
      (16)   Any pedestrian ways or sidewalks that may be required or provided.
   (b)   Certificates. The following certificates in block form shall be shown on the Final Plat where applicable:
      (1)   Certification by means of a seal and signature of the Professional Surveyor who shall have prepared the plat and certify to the effect that the survey and plat are accurate and correct;
      (2)   Certificate for approval by the Staff;
      (3)   A statement, duly acknowledged before an officer authorized to take acknowledgments of deed and signed by the owner or owners of the property, to the effect that the subdivision as shown on the Final Plat is the act and deed of the owner, and that he/she (the landowner) is the owner of the property of the survey and plat;
      (4)   Certificate indicating approval for water supply and sewage disposal to be utilized, consistent with the requirements of Chapter 1119 of these Regulations.
      (5)   Certificate for acknowledgment of easements.
   (c)   Deed(s). In addition to material required above, copies of the proposed deed(s) shall be submitted along with the Final Plat.
   (d)   Design Standards. The subdivision shall be designed pursuant to the standards contained within Chapter 1119 of these Regulations, the City Zoning Code and other applicable Codes and Regulations.