(a) Lot Modifications involving the change of lot lines between two (2) existing lots of record for the sole purpose of increasing or decreasing lot size, or correcting errors in deeds or descriptions, where no additional building sites are created, may be approved by the Staff for recording purposes where the proposed Lot Modification complies with all applicable provisions of City Codes and Regulations.
(b) Any landowner seeking to modify lot lines shall submit the following to the Staff:
(1) An accurate plat of the lots or parcels involved affixed with the seal and signature of the Professional Surveyor who shall have prepared such; and
(2) A copy of the proposed deed.
The plat and deed shall contain a notice where applicable that the portion of the "lot added" to the subject parcel cannot be used for the placement of a principal building or structure for human habitation or occupancy.
(c) The Staff will approve a proposed Lot Modification within seven (7) working days of the date of submission if it complies with all applicable provisions of City Codes and Regulations. Where approved, the deed shall be acknowledged by virtue of the signature affixed to the deed stating "Approved by Steubenville City Planning Commission, no plat required." There shall be no fee charged for the processing of Lot Modifications.
(d) Following approval, the deed shall be recorded by the landowner in the Office of the Jefferson County Recorder of Deeds. The failure of the landowner to record such deed within ninety (90) days of the date of approval shall render such approval null and void.
(Ord. 2011-71. Passed 10-11-11.)