(a)    The City hereby establishes five classes of users of the publicly-owned wastewater collection and treatment facilities, as follows:
      (1)    Domestic: Any single-family residence, or equal, user of the publicly-owned wastewater facilities who contributes primarily segregated domestic wastes or wastes from sanitary conveniences.
      (2)    Commercial: A class of industrial user who normally contributes primarily segregated domestic wastes or wastes from sanitary conveniences into the publicly-owned wastewater facilities, who contributes 25,000 gallons per day or less of sanitary waste, or a volume of process waste, or combined sanitary and process wastes equivalent to 25,000 gallons per day of sanitary waste, and whose contributions of BOD and SS does not exceed normal concentrations as established herein.
      (3)    Industrial: Any nongovernmental user of the publicly-owned wastewater facilities which discharges more than 25,000 gallons per day of sanitary waste, or a volume of process waste or combined sanitary and process waste equivalent to 25,000 gallons per day of sanitary waste; and, any nongovernmental user of the public wastewater facilities which discharges wastewater to the treatment facilities which contains toxic pollutants or poisonous solids, liquids or gases in sufficient quantity, either singly or by interaction with other wastes, to injure or interfere with any sewage treatment process, constitute a hazard to humans or animals, create a public nuisance or create any hazard in or have an adverse effect on the waters receiving any discharge from the publicly-owned facilities.
      (4)    Institutional: A class of user who normally contributes primarily segregated domestic wastes, or wastes from sanitary conveniences, into the publicly owned wastewater facilities; generally identified as hospitals, sanitariums, prisons, etc.
       (5)    Governmental: A class of user who normally contributes primarily segregated domestic wastes, or wastes from sanitary conveniences into the publicly owned wastewater facilities. As applied herein, a municipality is defined as a village, town, city, county, district, association or other public body (including an inter- municipal agency of two or more of the foregoing entities) created by, or pursuant to, State of Ohio law and having jurisdiction over disposal of sewage, industrial wastes or other wastes, or in designated and approved management agency under Section 208 of the Act; excludes special districts such as school districts, which do not have as one of its principal responsibilities the treatment, transport or disposal of liquid wastes.
   (b)    The City hereby establishes that, unless otherwise amended, added to and/or deleted from, as provided herein, the following shall be considered as being the average
residential waste discharge in the City service area:
An average flow of 100 gallons per day per capita at a loading of 200 milligrams of BOD and 250 milligrams of SS.
   (c)    The user charge system hereby provides that each user which discharges any toxic pollutants which cause an increase in the cost of managing the effluent or the sludge of the treatment facilities shall pay for such increased costs.
   (d)    The user charge system hereby provides that the costs of operation and maintenance for all flow not directly attributable to users, i. e., infiltration/inflow, shall be distributed among all users of the public wastewater facilities in the same manner that it distributes the cost of operation and maintenance among users, or user classes, for their actual use.
   (e)    The user charge system hereby provides that the City shall notify each user, at least annually, with a regular bill, of the rate and that portion of the user charges which are attributable to the wastewater treatment services.
    (f)   The user charge system hereby disregards any terms or conditions of agreements or contracts between the City and users (including industrial users, special districts, other municipalities or federal agencies or installations) which address the reservation of capacity in the public wastewater facilities or the charges to be collected by the City in providing wastewater treatment services which are inconsistent with the requirements of the Act and federal regulations.
    (g)   The user charge system hereby requires nonresidential users to pay, as a minimum, the same rate per volume of wastewater as that paid by residential users.
(Ord. 1979-11. Passed 1-30-79.)