(a)   In the event any owner, agent, lessee or person in control of property fails, neglects or refuses to comply with the notice to repair, and fails to commence repairs within the time given by the sidewalk inspector or City Manager, or in the event that the owner, agent, lessee or person having a vested or contingent interest in property cannot be located so as to be given notice as set forth in Section 903.02, then the City Manager shall cause such repairs to be made by the City, and cause the cost incurred to be recovered as hereinafter set forth.
   (b)   Any cost incurred by the City of Steubenville under subsection (a) hereof shall be paid out of the City Treasury on certification of the City Manager. Such cost shall be charged to the owner, agent, lessee or person in control of such property, and if the City is not immediately reimbursed for such cost, the Director of Finance shall certify to the Auditor of Jefferson County, Ohio the cost incurred in making the necessary repairs, including the cost of service or publication of notice, and any reasonable administrative cost, together with a proper description of the premises, and such costs shall become a lien against such premises to be collected as other taxes and returned to the Municipality.
(Ord. 1996-72. Passed 8-27-96.)