(a)   No person, firm or corporation shall maintain any structure within the City in such a state of disrepair as to be considered a nuisance or a hazard to the health or safety of persons residing in the vicinity of such structure, or of passersby. Any of the following violations shall be considered a nuisance and the maintenance of the structure to be in a deteriorating condition:
      (1)   Loose bricks falling from exterior walls or chimneys;
      (2)   Cornices and gutters sagging or falling from the structure;
      (3)   Windows containing broken and jagged glass;
      (4)   Open holes within the structure caused by the removal of fixtures and/or stairs, and any open holes upon the exterior of the structure whereby the interior can be viewed;
      (5)   Vacant structures containing any of the above and with electric and gas service still connected;
      (6)   Rotted stairs, porches, balconies and steps;
      (7)   Foundations and retaining walls caving in;
      (8)   Any detached structures collapsed and falling in;
      (9)   Buildings in an unsafe condition as set forth in Chapter 1 of the Property Maintenance Code;
      (10)   Accumulation of rubbish and trash upon the premises;
      (11)   Any structure which is vacant and does not have windows, doors or other openings properly secured.
   (b)   Whoever violates any of the terms or provisions of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree, and each day’s violation shall be punishable as a separate offense.
(Ord. 2007-99. Passed 12-18-07.)