(A) Purpose. The R-4 District is intended to permit multi-family dwelling units of 12-40 units housed in one structure.
(B) Permitted principal uses. Within an R-4 District, unless otherwise provided by this chapter, no building or land shall be used except for apartment buildings consisting of 12-40 dwelling units.
(C) Dimensional standards.
(1) Maximum density of 16 units per acre.
(2) Front yard setback of at least 30 feet for the principal structure.
(3) Side yard setback of at least 10 feet, or 25 feet for corner side yards for the principal structure.
(4) Setbacks from structures in R-1, R-1M, R 1-O districts shall be 30 feet from district lines.
(5) Rear yard setback of at least 30 feet for the principal structure.
(6) Maximum height of 45 feet.
(7) Building coverage shall not exceed 45% of the lot area.
(8) Shall provide 1.5 parking spaces per dwelling unit.
(9) Required parking shall have a 10 foot setback from any property line.
(D) Performance standards.
(1) Buildings shall be constructed of high-quality materials. Primary materials allowed are as follows:
(a) Brick;
(b) Natural stone;
(c) Wood consisting of horizontal lap siding with a painted surface;
(d) Precast concrete units and concrete block, provided that surfaces are molded, serrated or treated with a textured material;
(e) Transparent glass;
(f) Vinyl or fiberboard siding;
(g) Other materials as approved by the Planning Commission.
(2) The following materials are prohibited:
(a) Plain or painted concrete block;
(b) Plain precast concrete panels;
(c) Prefabricated steel or sheet metal panels;
(d) Aluminum, fiberglass or asphalt siding.
(Ord. 2022-649, passed 12-27-2022)