(A)   Establishment.
      (1)   The City Council has the power to create within the Police Department a police reserve unit, which shall consist of a number of volunteer members as the Council deems necessary.
      (2)   The police reserve shall be under the control and supervision of the Chief of Police or his or her designee.
      (3)   Members shall be appointed by the Chief and may be removed by it at any time.
      (4)   They shall serve under the direction of the superior officers of the regular police force and others as the Chief may appoint from their own number.
   (B)   Duties. When assigned to duty by the Chief, each member shall perform duties as described by the Chief.
   (C)   Oath, insignia. Each police reserve member shall take the oath prescribed by M.S. § 12.43, as it may be amended from time to time. Each member shall be issued a badge, suitable items of clothing and insignia or evidence of identification as the Chief may prescribe. Upon termination of membership, a member shall surrender to the Department all city property.
   (D)   Personnel rules. Personnel ordinances and rules applicable to regular employees of the city do not apply to police reserve members, but each member shall be covered as a city employee under the workers' compensation insurance policy of the city.
   (E)   Other restrictions.
      (1)   No member of the police reserve shall exercise any authority over the persons or property of others without displaying identification as a member. No person except a police reserve member shall use identification or otherwise represent himself or herself to be a member of the police reserve.
      (2)   No police reserve member shall carry any firearm while on duty. Members of the police reserve shall serve with compensation as determined by the Council.
(1987 Code, § 202.04)