(A)   Any structure within the city which was put into service on or after 8-1-2007, for the purpose of washing the exterior of motor vehicles (both hand wash and mechanical systems) for a fee, or as a service provided to the operator of the motor vehicle purchasing a good or service, must have in place a water recycling system that reclaims at least 60% of the water taken from the city’s water system on a daily basis. In order to facilitate compliance, a separate meter or submeter acceptable to the city must be installed.
   (B)   Any structure within the city which was put into service on or after 8-1-2007, for the purpose of washing the exterior of motor vehicles (both hand wash and mechanical systems) for a fee, or as a service provided to the operator of the motor vehicle purchasing a good or service, may, as an alternative to the recycling requirements of division (A) above, operate on a system that uses less than 45 gallons of water per vehicle washed. In order to proceed under this section, the time of the installation of the car washing equipment, the owner of the proposed car wash must provide detailed technical information to the City Administrator/Clerk/Treasurer and the Building Official demonstrating that less than 45 gallons of water are used per vehicle washed. Additionally, each car wash must have a separate meter measuring the water consumed therein and the owner of the car wash must, on an annual basis, on or before February 15 of each year, provide documentation to the city, for the prior calendar year, of the number of vehicles washed so the city can verify compliance with the 45 gallons or less per wash standard. The exception within this section is not available for any mechanical car wash which is hand- operated by any individual, including, but not limited to, the driver and or occupants of the vehicle being washed.
(Ord. 94, passed 8-15-2007; Ord. 94A, passed 5-7-2008)