(A) This review is intended to supplement the review and administrative procedures which are carried out under other provisions of this chapter. The site plan review process is intended to help ensure that newly developed properties or redeveloped properties are compatible with adjacent development and that safety, traffic, overcrowding and environmental problems are minimized to the extent possible.
(B) In order to further promote the safe and efficient use of land and to further enhance the value of property in the city, the City Council deems it advisable to establish site plan review criteria for any change in use and for any construction for which a building permit is required, except for construction of detached, single-family residential structures or structures accessory thereto. Exception shall also be given for construction of the interior of structures (that don’t result in a change in use or seating requirements) and/or repair and maintenance in all zoning districts.
(C) As a condition to issuance of a building permit, with exceptions noted in division (A) above, any applicant for such permit shall be required to submit to the City Administrator/Clerk/Treasurer a site plan which must contain the following information:
(1) Twelve 24-inch by 36-inch copies and an eight and one-half-inch by 11-inch transparency, drawn to scale and dimensioned, with north arrow;
(2) Complete legal description, address, small scale site location;
(3) Site plan drawn at appropriate engineering scale with setbacks noted showing all items listed below;
(4) Lot dimensions and all existing buildings and structures;
(5) Yards and spaces between buildings and property lines;
(6) Buildings, walls and fences: location, height, materials and building elevations;
(7) Off-street parking: locations, layout, dimensions, circulation, landscaped areas, total number of stalls, surface proposed with cross-section, elevation, curb and gutter;
(8) Access: pedestrian, vehicular, service; points of ingress and egress;
(9) Signs: proposed location, size, height, detail if known;
(10) Loading areas: location, dimensions, number of spaces, internal circulation;
(11) Lighting; location, height, design, detail;
(12) Street dedications and improvements, if necessary;
(13) Landscaping: with a schedule of the plantings showing quantities, botanical and common names, sizes, root type; also size and location of existing trees;
(14) Outdoor storage activities, where permitted in the district; type, location, height of screening devices;
(15) Conceptual grading and drainage plan for the site, prepared by a certified engineer, showing the proposed finished floor elevation of each building, street elevation, two-foot contours, surface water drainage and retention calculations, surface water management plan;
(16) Waste disposal facilities;
(17) Easements and location of utilities servicing development; and
(18) Statement of use, including type of business with number of employees by shift.
(D) (1) The site plan will be reviewed by the Fire Chief, City Engineer, City Planner and City Administrator/Clerk/Treasurer and forwarded to the Park/Planning Commission and City Council for final approval. Such review shall be completed within 20 working days of the receipt by the city of the application.
(2) Recommendations and comments from the Fire Chief, Engineer, Planner and City Administrator/Clerk/Treasurer shall be forwarded to the Park/Planning Commission and City Council.
(E) (1) If, during the review process, it is determined that the application does not contain sufficient information to enable the review staff to properly discharge its responsibilities, the review staff may request additional information from the applicant.
(2) In that event, the 20-day review period shall be suspended pending the receipt of all information requested by the review staff.
(F) No building permit shall be issued until site plan approval has been granted by the City Council. The City Council shall approve or disapprove the site plan by action taken by a majority of the members present at any meeting at which a quorum is present.
(G) If the City Council does not approve a site plan, the applicant may appeal the decision to the Zoning Board of Appeals pursuant to this chapter.
(Ord. passed 12-17-2014)