(A)   (1)   Except with the specific consent and approval of the City Council, no wells for the purpose of providing domestic water for human household use shall be drilled, installed or constructed, and no existing well shall be further developed to provide potable water.
      (2)   After receiving city approval, new wells may be drilled for agricultural and horticultural use, but there shall be no cross-connections between these wells and the city water system. A cross- connection shall be any means by which a private system could contaminate the city water system and need not be a direct pipe connection.
      (3)   Any private well now providing water shall be completely disconnected from the plumbing system at such time as the consumer installs a service connection to the city system. A fee shall be paid by the person connecting to the city system for inspection costs. The inspection may be necessary to guarantee that there is no cross-connection between the private system and the city system.
(1994 Code, § 7-1.13)
   (B)   Existing private wells may not be repaired to the extent that well drilling or pulling equipment is required unless the well is for agricultural and horticultural use and then only with City Council approval.
(1994 Code, § 7-1.14)