(A)   Administrative offices. If more than four employees are present at one time for more than three months of the year, off-street parking must be provided.
   (B)   Agricultural sales/service.
      (1)   No outdoor storage of items for sale unless screened to a height of eight feet and an opaqueness of 100%;
      (2)   No outdoor storage of machinery for sale or to be serviced unless screened to a height of eight feet and an opaqueness of 100%; and
      (3)   Additional height of screening may be required at the discretion of the City Council.
   (C)   Art workshop. If workshops occur more frequently than four times per year, home occupation rules apply.
   (D)   Automotive repair.
      (1)   Outdoor storage of vehicles to be repaired must be on a paved surface with striped parking stalls;
      (2)   Maximum of two tow-trucks permitted outside, unless screened in the rear of the building; and
      (3)   No storage of unlicensed or junk vehicles.
   (E)   Automotive wash.
      (1)   A noise (decibel) study must be provided for any wash adjacent to a residential zone or outdoor; and
      (2)   A water usage study must be provided.
   (F)   Contractor’s yard.
      (1)   Screening of storage area shall be provided from residential zones and from other zones at the discretion of the City Council; and
      (2)   A site plan review is required.
   (G)   Convenience store w/fuel. See § 157.118 of this chapter.
   (H)   Drive-thru establishments.
      (1)   Design of site should ensure that ordering station and pick-up or service window do not necessitate headlights facing residential zones;
      (2)   If constraints of the site don’t allow such a layout, a 100% opaque combination of fencing and landscaping must be installed to buffer headlights from the residential zone, and a sight line study showing the fence and landscaping (size at installation) must be provided; and
      (3)   A waiting area in addition to and not interfering with the required number of parking stalls must be provided.
   (I)   Drop-off recycling collection.
      (1)   In business zones, only drop-off receptacles are permitted; no drive through or loading areas;
      (2)   Must not interfere with the flow of traffic or use required parking stalls; and
      (3)   In division (I)(1) above, the same restrictions apply; however, recycling centers are also permitted; provided, they meet all state and local nuisance standards.
   (J)   Off-site accessory/shared parking.
      (1)   Number of parking stalls in overall development must meet the total required for each individual use;
      (2)   If the City Council deems two or more uses complementary (e.g., different hours, offices with employee numbers changing by shift and the like), the overall parking requirement may be reduced; any change of use will result in a new site review and may warrant additional parking or proof of parking; and
      (3)   Parking setback requirement may be waived in the case of shared parking or a common lot adjacent to individual lots that will solely utilize the common lot parking.
   (K)   Outdoor storage. Screening from rights-of-way and adjacent parcels, in a manner determined during site plan review, must be provided.
   (L)   Professional office. If more than four employees are regularly present at one time, off-street parking must be provided.
   (M)   Research and development/lab.
      (1)   Off-street parking must be provided; and
      (2)   The proposed use must be reviewed with the City Council to ensure that all nuisance ordinance requirements will be met and that the use will not be detrimental to the area.
(Ord. passed 12-17-2014)