The following required improvements shall be installed in accordance with the engineering standards and specifications which have been or may in the future be adopted by the Council and filed with the City Administrator/Clerk/Treasurer and/or Engineer. Where standards and specifications have not been adopted, the improvement shall be made in accordance with good engineering practices and in all cases must meet with the approval of the Engineer.
   (A)   Survey monuments.
      (1)   Survey monuments consisting of one-inch diameter iron pipe or approved equal shall be placed at all block corners, angles, points, points curve and lot corners and also at any other locations required by state statutes; and
      (2)   No building permit shall be issued for any particular lot unless said monuments have been placed on that lot as evidenced by certification by a registered land surveyor.
   (B)   Utility improvements.
      (1)   Sanitary sewer collection systems. Where available, municipal sewer facilities shall be provided where practicable and acceptable. The use of private systems shall be prohibited.
      (2)   Water distribution systems. Where available, municipal water facilities shall be provided for the subdivision. The use of private water supplies shall be prohibited.
      (3)   Other facilities, associated easements. Storm sewers, open drainage or other facilities and associated easements shall be installed or provided as will adequately provide for the drainage of surface waters.
      (4)   Construction. Subdividers shall provide for the construction of all streets, alleys and sidewalks within the subdivision.
      (5)   Concrete curbs. All street curbs constructed in new subdivisions shall be concrete curbs.
      (6)   Landscaping. Landscaping as required by this chapter or the plat review process.
   (C)   Funding.
      (1)   Before a final plat is signed by the proper city officials, the intentions of the subdivider shall be guaranteed by submitting either a petition requesting the city to install said improvements or by entering into an agreement and posting an acceptable performance bond or cash escrow to ensure that the subdivider shall install, by private contract with competent contractors subject to approval by the city, all improvements required in the subdivision.
      (2)   The petition shall be the standard city petition form for the installation of the improvements whereby the city agrees to design and install the improvement facilities and the petitioner agrees to pay the assessments against the benefitted property.
      (3)   The performance bond or cash escrow shall be equal to one and one-half times the estimated cost of the required improvements. The subdivided engineer shall submit a detailed cost estimate to the City Engineer for his or her approval. If the improvements are not completed within two years of the date of the development performance bond or cash escrow agreement, or within such extended period as approved by the Council, all amounts held under the escrow agreement or development performance bond shall be turned over and delivered to the city and applied to the cost of the required improvements. Any balance remaining after such improvements have been made shall be returned to the subdivider.
(1994 Code, § 13-1.8) (Ord. passed 12-17-2014) Penalty, see § 10.99