(A)   A preliminary plat is required for all subdivisions not defined as a minor subdivision elsewhere in this chapter. Before subdividing any land within the city, the subdivider shall file the following documents in the office of the City Administrator/Clerk/Treasurer at least 14 days prior to the date of the regular Park/Planning Commission meeting:
      (1)   Fifteen copies of the preliminary plat together with any other information required in this chapter;
      (2)   A filing fee of an amount as set forth in the annual fee schedule; and
      (3)   A completed application form obtained from the City Administrator/Clerk/Treasurer.
   (B)   Upon receipt of the above information, the City Administrator/Clerk/Treasurer shall refer the preliminary plat to the Park/Planning Commission for its recommendations. The Park/Planning Commission shall reserve the right to decline to consider any preliminary plat which has not been submitted in accordance with the strict provisions of this chapter.
   (C)   The Park/Planning Commission shall make a report of its findings to the Council within 30 days after the subdivider has submitted the preliminary plat together with all other necessary information required by this chapter or by the Park/Planning Commission.
   (D)   After final review by the Park/Planning Commission of the preliminary plat, the subdivider shall request the City Administrator/Clerk/Treasurer to enter his or her petition for plat approval on the agenda of the Council. However, no item shall be placed on the agenda for the Council until the Park/Planning Commission has made its final recommendations for approval or denial unless the time limit stated above has expired and no positive action, whether for approval or denial, has been taken by the Park/Planning Commission or no extension notice has been sent to the applicant.
   (E)   Upon filing of said request for the approval of the plat, the Council shall give notice according to law and hold a public hearing thereon. Within 30 days after the hearing, the Council shall either deny or tentatively approve said plat by resolution recorded in the minutes and shall notify the subdivider of its action setting forth objections to the plat, if any.
   (F)   Fees shall be used to defray the administrative expense of the city in connection with review of said plat. City expense incurred in employing the services of the City Engineer, City Attorney and other professional consultants in connection with the review of said plat shall be reimbursed to the city by the subdivider.
   (G)   Said plats shall also be sent to the City Engineer for his or her comments along with any other affected agencies having review authority (i.e., Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT), Department of Natural Resources (DNR), and the like).
   (H)   It is the subdivider’s responsibility to furnish the city with the names and mailing addresses of the owners of all lands within 350 feet of the boundaries of the preliminary plat. The cost of the required public hearing notice in the official newspaper of the city shall be paid by the subdivider.
(1994 Code, § 13-1.3) (Ord. passed 12-17-2014)