(A)   Illuminated signs must have a shielded light source.
   (B)   Signs located on the interior of a building shall be exempt from the provisions of this chapter.
   (C)   Signs shall not obstruct any window, door, fire escape or opening intended to provide ingress or egress to any structure or building.
   (D)   No permanent signs other than government signs shall be erected or placed upon any public street, right-of-way or public easement or project over public property.
   (E)   At least one address sign identifying the correct address shall be required on each principal building in all zoning districts. The numbers shall be at least three inches in height and displayed in such a manner that they can be seen by emergency responders from the road.
   (F)   Campaign signs posted by or for candidates for political office or in support of or opposition to any referendum or other ballot question shall be consistent with state statute. No permit is required for such signs.
   (G)   No individual tax parcel may contain more than two temporary signs listing the name of the project architects, contractors, leasing agents and/or financing agencies may be installed at a construction site in any district for the duration of construction only. Any two such signs shall not exceed 32 square feet each; if only one sign is installed, it may be up to 48 square feet. Signs shall not be placed closer than ten feet to any street right-of-way or five feet to any sidewalk, or within any sight triangle. After construction, the requirements for temporary real estate signs apply.
   (H)   Temporary real estate signs for properties not under construction may be placed in any district for the purpose of advertising the lease or sale of property upon which it is placed. Only one such sign shall be permitted per individual tax parcel.
      (1)   Such sign shall be removed within 14 days following the lease or sale of all units.
      (2)   Signs shall not be placed closer than ten feet to any street right-of-way or five feet to any sidewalk or within any sight triangle.
      (3)   The maximum size of such signs for each district is as follows:
         (a)   R-1 and R-2 Districts: nine square feet;
         (b)   R-6 District: 18 square feet; and
         (c)   MU-BR, B-2 and Industrial Districts: 36 square feet.
   (I)   Directional real estate signs are permitted to be placed off-site; provided, not more than two such signs are used for any one individual tax parcel being advertised for sale or lease, and no more than two such signs are placed in each quadrant of an intersection. All such signs must be placed outside of all street rights-of-way and placements of the signs require the permission of the owners of the properties on which the signs are erected. These signs may be left in place for the duration of the time the individual tax parcel is on the market, and may not exceed two square feet in size and three feet in height as measured from ground level. No permit is required for such signs.
   (J)   Garage, neighborhood or estate sale signs are permitted to be placed off site and within the street right-of-way (but off of any paved surface) for a maximum of four days; provided, the number of such signs for any one sale does not exceed eight, the size of such signs does not exceed five square feet, and the height of such signs does not exceed three feet. No permit is required for such signs.
   (K)   Open house signs are permitted to be placed off site and within the street right-of-way (but off of any paved surface) for a maximum of one day; provided, the number of such signs for any one open house does not exceed two, the size of such signs does not exceed five square feet, and the height of such signs does not exceed three feet. No permit is required for such signs.
   (L)   Permanent directional signs are allowed on-premises provided the number of such signs on a commercial or industrial site do not exceed four. One or two directional signs are present on any site, such signs may not exceed four square feet. If three or four directional signs are present on any site, such signs may not exceed two square feet, unless approved by the City Council upon City Engineer review.
   (M)   Billboard signs are allowed and shall:
      (1)   Be permitted only on property immediately adjacent to state trunk highways in business and industrial zoning districts;
      (2)   Require a city permit prior to maintaining, installing, erecting, relocating or modifying such sign. Application for billboard sign permits shall be made in writing to the City Administrator/Clerk/Treasurer upon printed forms furnished by the city. Each application for a permit shall set forth the correct legal description of the tract of land upon which the sign presently exists or is proposed to be located, the location of the sign on said tract of land, the manner of construction and materials to be used in the sign, a complete description and elevations of the sign and such information as the city deems necessary. At the time of application, the applicant shall pay a fee asset forth in the city’s schedule of fees. Upon receipt of the application and the fee payment, the permit application shall be placed on the Park/Planning Commission agenda for its review. If the application is approved by the Park/Planning Commission, the application shall be forwarded to the City Council for final action and issuance of the permit. If a sign authorized by permit has not been installed within 90 days from the date of issuance, said permit shall become void. No fee shall be refunded;
      (3)   Be restricted to a maximum area for any one sign facing of 300 square feet inclusive of border and trim, but excluding the base or apron, supports and other structural elements. The maximum sign area shall apply to each facing of a sign structure. Signs may be placed back-to-back or in a V-type construction;
      (4)   Be allowed to have advertising changed on the sign without obtaining a permit;
      (5)   Not be allowed to resemble any official marker erected by the city or state or any governmental agency, or by reason of position, shape or color conflict with the proper functioning of any traffic sign or signal;
      (6)   Be established no closer than ten feet or further than 100 feet from the state trunk highway right-of-way. No portion of any sign shall extend over the right-of-way line;
      (7)   Be constructed in accordance with the municipal building and electrical codes;
      (8)   Not be located on property without the consent of the owner, holder, lessee, agent or trustee(s);
      (9)   Be maintained in good and safe structural condition. The painted portion of signs shall be periodically repainted and kept in good condition;
      (10)   Contain a current advertisement or message. If not current, the requirements for abandoned signs as stated in the enforcement section of this chapter shall apply;
      (11)   Not interfere with the ability of vehicle operators or pedestrians to see traffic signs or signals or impede the vision of traffic by vehicle operators or pedestrians;
      (12)   Not exceed 25 feet in height above ground level;
      (13)   When facing the same general direction, whether on the same or opposite sides of the road, be a minimum of 2,500 feet apart from any other billboard sign measured down the centerline of the state trunk highway from which the signs are to be seen;
      (14)   Be established not closer than 300 feet to any residentially-zoned parcel unless separated by commercial structures or natural screening such as hedges or mature trees that are higher than the signs; and
      (15)   Not have a message that changes more frequently than once every eight seconds.
   (N)   Portable signs not otherwise permitted may not exceed 25 square feet in area. Use of a portable sign shall require a permit. The permit shall be valid for no more than 15 consecutive days. No more than four permits shall be granted to any person, business or entity per year.
   (O)   One or more banners not exceeding 32 square feet may be affixed to the primary structure in a commercial district at any time without a permit. The total square footage of all wall signs and banners affixed to the same wall may not exceed 15% of the square footage of the wall to which they are affixed.
   (P)   Banners may not be affixed to retaining walls, pylon or monument signs, trees, vehicles, trash receptacles, ice chests and the like and may not be used as the business identification sign. Baseball field fences are permitted to have an unlimited number of banners affixed to them from April 1 through September 30 each year.
   (Q)   Up to 48 square feet of yard banners (attached to in-ground posts or a fence) are permitted per tenant/property owner for a duration of not more than six months, per year. The use of yard banners shall require a permit.
   (R)   Any proposed new development or redevelopment shall have reviewed, as part of the site plan package, colored elevations, materials and locations of the signs, and any other information the city deems necessary.
   (S)   The following signs are prohibited in all districts unless noted:
      (1)   Roof signs;
      (2)   Projecting signs (except in MU-BR District);
      (3)   Awning signs (except in MU-BR District);
      (4)   Digital wall signs in the MU-BR District, unless permitted in other sections of this chapter or approved by the City Council;
      (5)   Off-premises signs, except for directional real estate signs, garage, neighborhood or estate sale signs or open house signs (see above);
      (6)   Signs painted on or attached or in any manner affixed to trees, rocks or similar natural surfaces, or painted directly on or affixed to the wall, roof or outside of windows of a building, unless permitted by the City Council;
      (7)   Permanent signs painted on particle board, plywood or similar materials or sheets of wood, unless permitted by the City Council;
      (8)   Illuminated flashing signs, moving or rotating signs or beacons, zip flashes or similar devices;
      (9)   Portable reader board or portable signs, except by permit;
      (10)   Reader board signs used as a permanent sign or as part of a permanent sign, unless permitted by the City Council. Permanent reader board signs must be constructed in a professional manner, permanently affixed to the ground and landscaped at the base;
      (11)   Temporary signs or banners, except as noted in this section;
      (12)   Signs which interfere with the ability of vehicle operators or pedestrians to see traffic signs or signals, or which impede the vision of traffic by vehicle operators or pedestrians; and/or
      (13)   Signs, other than billboards, promoting businesses not within the city limits.
(Ord. passed 12-17-2014; Ord. 3, passed 8-5-2015) Penalty, see § 10.99