The provisions of the Fire Prevention Code recommended by the American Insurance Association (latest edition), except for Art. 13 and 28.1, are adopted by reference as part of this chapter in its entirety, except as modified herein.
(1994 Code, § 6-2.1)
(A) The City Council may designate certain ways on public or private property as fire lanes as it deems necessary to allow unhindered travel of fire equipment and to assure unobstructed access to fire hydrants and buildings.
(B) The Fire Chief shall make recommendations to the Council as to the location, need and requirements for such fire lanes and to report on their conditions and maintenance requirements as he or she deems necessary.
(C) (1) All designated fire lanes shall be marked with a regulatory sign bearing the words “No Parking - Fire Lane - By order of the City Council”.
(2) Regardless of their placement on public or private property, these signs will be erected and maintained by the city.
(D) It shall be a violation for any person to obstruct a designated fire lane in any manner.
(1994 Code, § 6-2.3) Penalty, see § 94.99
The Fire Chief may require the submission of all proposed land developments and building plans for reviewal as to their effect on the prevention and abatement of fires. In addition to this right of review, the Park/Planning Commission, the Building Inspector and the City Council may require that such review be made and presented for their consideration in making a decision. Review shall be timely so as to prevent undue delay of any application or decision. But in any case which affects the safety of the city or its residents, a delay shall not be considered as undue hardship on said applicant.
(1994 Code, § 6-2.4)