(A)   License required. Any person who owns, harbors or keeps a dog or any animal which the City Council may determine, shall be required to register, license and number the animal. Licensing shall be valid for the life of the animal.
   (B)   License fee. The fee for the licensing of any animal shall be as set forth in the annual fee schedule for each animal so licensed. The fee shall accompany the application for license.
   (C)   Registration.
      (1)   It shall be the duty of the city office to license animals.
      (2)   Upon presentation of a receipt to the city office in the amount of the registration fee as set forth in the annual fee schedule, the City Administrator/Clerk/Treasurer shall enter the name of the owner or keeper of every animal being licensed, together with a description of the animal, in a book kept by the City Administrator/Clerk/Treasurer for such purpose.
      (3)   A list including this information shall periodically be given to the Public Safety Department after payment has been made, the city office shall then issue a written license for each animal so registered and a tag bearing the registration number of the animal. The tag shall be securely fastened by the owner to a collar around the animal’s neck to be worn at all times.
(1994 Code, § 2-2) Penalty, see § 90.99