The Village in recognizing and acknowledging its obligation and responsibility for a feasible method of relocating these families hereby establishes a rent supplementation program and adopts the following policies for the program's operation.
(a) Eligibility.
(1) The amount of rent supplementation to be provided to a family or individual shall equal the difference between the gross monthly rent of the dwelling unit to which they have relocated and their ability to pay as defined in subparagraph (3) hereof.
(2) The amount of rent supplementation to be provided to a family or individual receiving public assistance where the rent allowance is inadequate shall be the difference between the amount of the rent allowance and the gross monthly rent of the dwelling unit to which they have relocation without deduction from the welfare assistance of the amount of the rent supplementation.
(3) The ability to pay shall be defined as twenty percent of the gross monthly income of an individual or family.
(Ord. 25-1968. Passed 6-6-68.)
(4) The amount of rent supplementation to be provided to a family or individual as established by this subsection, shall be based on the gross monthly rent paid by the individual or family provided that the amount of gross monthly rent used to calculate the rent supplement shall not exceed those rentals established on HUD Form 6148 "Schedule of Average Gross Rentals for Standard Housing in Locality" as recommended by the Director of Building, Development and Planning and approved by the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development .
(Ord. 38-2014. Passed 9-4-14.)
(b) Duration of Assistance. Rent supplementation shall be provided to each eligible family and individual for a period of five years from the date of relocation, or:
(1) Until the economic condition of the family or individual improves to such an extent that assistance is no longer necessary,
(2) The Village makes public housing or housing assistance under the Federal rent supplement program available to the family or individual,
(3) The family or individual refuses to allow a quarterly re-review of the ability to pay or a monthly review if this is deemed to be in the best interest of the Village,
(4) The family or individual moves from the Village, or
(5) The family or individual refuses to accept a standard dwelling unit adequate as to size, location and within their ability to pay.
(Ord. 25-1968. Passed 6-6-68.)
(c) Administration.
(1) Responsibility of administrating the rent supplementation program shall be vested in the Building, Development and Planning Department or its legal successor.
(2) Public funds shall be used for the rent supplementation payments and shall be deposited in accordance with an escrow agreement approved by the Village Solicitor with the local depository approved by the Village Treasurer.
(3) The amount of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) which is estimated to be the first annual funding requirement shall be deposited initially and additional deposits shall be made as needed until all eligible families and individuals have been assisted to the extent to which they are entitled.
(4) The escrow agent will dispense funds to eligible families and individuals as recommended by the Building, Development and Planning Department or its legal successor, and approved by the Mayor, but will make no determination with respect to the eligibility or amounts to be paid.
(Ord. 38-2014. Passed 9-4-14.)