(a)   Employee: An individual who performs work for the Village and is duly authorized to receive compensation as reported to the IRS and who has designated the municipality as his or her employer for tax purposes.
   (b)   Full-time employee: Means an employee whose regular hours of duty total at least 80 hours in a pay period.
    (c)   Permanent part-time employees: Means any person holding a position that requires working a regular schedule of 26 consecutive biweekly pay periods or any other regular schedule of comparable consecutive pay periods which is not limited to a specific season or duration and such person does not work more than 37 hours per week on average.
   (d)   Part-time employee: Means an employee whose regular hours of duties are less than 80 hours pay period and who does not work a regular schedule of 26 consecutive biweekly pay periods or any other regular schedule of comparable consecutive pay periods. It includes student help, intermittent, temporary, seasonal, interim, or individuals covered by personal service contracts.
   (e)   Employee Organization: Means any labor or bona fide organization in which public employees participate and which exists for the purpose, in whole or in part, of dealing with public employers concerning grievances, labor disputes, wages, hours, terms and other conditions of employment.
   (f)   Contractual Employee: Means an employee who is represented by an employee organization and the various terms and conditions of employment are determined by the current labor contract or collective bargaining agreement.
   (g)   Non-contractual Employee: Means an employee who is not represented by an employee organization.
   (h)   Department Head: An employee of the municipality in charge of an established department.
   (i)   Interim Employee:   Means an employee who is employed for an indefinite period of time, fixed by the length of absence of another employee due to sickness, disability, or approved leave of absence. Such appointment shall continue only during such period of sickness, disability, or approved leave of absence.
   (j)   Intermittent Employee: Means an employee who works an irregular schedule which is determined by the fluctuating demands of the work and is not predictable and is generally characterized as requiring less than one thousand hours per year.
   (k)   Seasonal Employee: Means an employee who works a certain regular season or period of each year performing some work or activity limited to that season or period of the year.
   (l)   Temporary Employee: Means an employee who works for a limited period of time, fixed by the appointing authority for a period not to exceed six months.
   (m)   Longevity: Is the uninterrupted period of time or duration that an employee has remained in continuous employment with the Village.
   (n)   Vacation Leave: A period of exemption for work granted to an employee where the employee receives compensation for the period of time exempt for work.
   (o)   Sick Leave: Is the number of days or time approved for an employee where his or her absence from work is permitted and the employee is paid his or her normal compensation. Sick leave shall only be applied and approved due to personal illness, injury, or exposure to contagious disease.
   (p)   Paid Time Off: Additional period of time or additional compensation based on the
number of hours worked other than vacation time that employee may accumulate when permitted as set forth in this chapter. Paid time off must be used as time off.
(Ord. 25-2000. Passed 7-6-00.)