Department of Public Safety
         EDITOR’S NOTE: Pursuant to Ordinance 24-2019, passed December 17, 2019, the positions of Service Director and Safety Director are hereby merged into one position entitled Director of Public Service and Safety.
139.01   Code Assistance Officer.
139.02   School guards.
139.03   Property disposition.
139.04   Police Officer and Firemen Pension Fund Pick-Up Plan.
Appointment of Director - see CHTR. 4.05
Contracts - see Ohio R.C. 733.27 et seq., 737.02 et seq.
General duties of Director and records - see Ohio R.C. 737.02 et seq.
Director to appoint and remove auxiliary police officers - see Ohio R.C. 737.051
Classification of police and fire personnel - see Ohio R. C. 737.10, 737.13
Police Department - see ADM. Ch. 141
Fire Department - see ADM. Ch. 143
Bond of Director - see ADM. 159.03