Pursuant to Ohio R.C. 731.45, Council members are required to attend Council and Committee of the Whole meetings and act in conformance with the rules of Council. A reduction in salary shall be made for any member of Council who fails to attend regular meetings of Council, including Committee of the Whole meetings. Regardless of excuse, a Council member who misses two (2) consecutive regularly scheduled meetings shall have their monthly salary reduced by one-third if that Council member misses the next regularly scheduled meeting. Regardless of excuse, any Council member who misses more than four (4) regular meetings during a Council year (December 1st to November 30th) shall have their monthly salary reduced by one-third for each additional regular meeting missed.
Two-thirds of the members elected to Council may excuse any member from attendance at any regular or special meeting. A Council seat of a member may be declared vacant when the member has been absent from meetings for four (4) consecutive meetings without a valid excuse or after ten (10) consecutive meetings regardless of excuse deemed valid by a majority of Council. To declare a Council seat vacant requires the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members of Council. Under this procedure, the accused member of Council must be given notice and an opportunity to answer charges, which are brought against the member.
(Ord. 19-2024. Passed 8-22-24.)