Ord. No. Date Description
842 5-17-1900 To the Procter & Gamble Co. for tracks across June St.
847 7-5-1900 To the Cincinnati Connecting Belt R.R. for tracks across Carthage Pike.
882 9-5-01 To the City & Suburban Telegraph Co. to erect telephone and telegraph poles and wires.
886 11-7-01 To the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis R.R. to lay tracks across Carthage Pike.
890 12-5-01 To the Procter & Gamble Co. to lay tracks across Spring Grove Ave.
928 3-19-03 To the Ohio Postal Telegraph Cable Co. to construct telegraph lines.
1065 2-8-06 To the Norfolk & Western R.R. for tracks across Murray Rd.
1122 1-10-07 To the Cincinnati Gas & Electric Co. to erect poles and wires.
1151 6-27-07 To the Norfolk & Western R.R. to lay tracks across Murray Rd.
1112 12-26-07 To the Cincinnati & Suburban Bell Telephone Co. to maintain underground conduits.
1360 1-11-11 To the Joslin-Schmidt Co. to maintain switch over Bank Ave.
16-1918 4-29-18 To the City of Cincinnati for sewer lines.
36-1918 9-27-18 To the City of Cincinnati for sewer lines.
25-1920 5-27-20 To the City for sewer lines from G. H. Schone.
38-1920 7-12-20 To the Union Gas & Electric Co. for power line over Carthage Pike.
29-1921 11-28-21 To the Proctor & Gamble Co. for bridge across June St.
34-1929 9-26-29 To the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis R.R. to operate side track across Beech St.
29-1932 12-8-32 To the City from Cecelia Stevens for sewer line from West Ross Ave. to Bank Ave.
6-1936 4-23-36 To the City for power lines over New York Central RR property.
29-1937 10-28-37 To the City to erect electric pole on Proctor & Gamble Co. property.
16-1938 5-26-38 To the City to construct electric line over Baltimore & Ohio RR property.
6-1938 3-8-39 To the Standard Oil Co. to construct oil pipe line under and over Vine St. and Murray Rd.
16-1940 4-4-40 To the Standard Oil Co. to construct oil pipe line under and over Murray Rd.
21-1940 6-6-40 To the Proctor & Gamble Co. for RR on Spring Grove Ave.
18-1946 6-6-46 To the Proctor & Gamble Co. to install RR siding across Railroad Ave.
32-1946 12-19-46 To the City to construct storm sewer.
Ord. No. Date Description
19-1947 8-7-47 To the City from Erwin Reed to construct sewer lines on Kemper Ave.
23-1948 10-22-48 To Emery Industries Inc. to construct railroad tracks on Long Ave.
42-1950 12-7-50 To the Southwestern Ohio Water Co. to construct water lines.
10-1951 3-15-51 To the Cincinnati Gas & Electric Co. to erect poles on Murray Rd.
19-1952 7-17-52 To the Cincinnati Gas & Electric Co. to erect poles along Ross Ave. and Broerman Ave.
11-1954 3-18-54 To the Proctor & Gamble Co. to operate sewer under Spring Grove Ave.
29-1955 8-4-55 To the Cincinnati Gas & Electric Co. for overhead line across Spring Grove Ave.
11-1956 2-16-56 To the Proctor & Gamble Co. to construct two water lines and one electrical line under June St.
16-1956 3-1-56 To the Cincinnati Gas & Electric Co. to install electric line along Ross Ave.
4-1957 1-17-57 To the Proctor & Gamble Co. to construct storm sewer under June St.
6-1958 2-6-58 To the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis RR, a plot for widening intersection at Vine St. and Murray Rd.
30-1958 8-7-58 To the City for Ross Run sewer from 16 parties.
32-1958 9-4-58 To the Cincinnati Gas and Electric Co. a right of way for electric line from Bank St. to Miami & Erie Canal for 25 years.
2-1959 1-15-59 To the City for Ross Run sewer.
18-1959 5-1-59 To the City, the use of Cincinnati and Suburban Bell Telephone Co. pole at Vine St. and Munay Rd. to attach traffic signs.
27-1959 9-3-59 Amends easement description in Ord. 30-1958.
8-1960 3-3-60 To the City, easement and lease of Kuntzler and Munafo property between Ross and McClelland Aves. for off-street parking facilities.
46-1960 12-1-60 To the Proctor & Gamble Co. to construct, operate and maintain a steam line beneath Spring Grove Ave.
13-1964 5-21-64 To the Proctor & Gamble Co. for conveyor bridge across Vine St.
16-1965 5-20-65 To the Cincinnati Gas & Electric Co. for overhead wires and cables in NW part of City near Millcreek Expressway.
21-1967 4-20-67 To the Board of Education for driveway and sewer purposes.
33-1969 5-15-69 To the Cincinnati and Suburban Bell Telephone Co. for construction and maintenance of telecommunication system in Alpine Hts.
46-1969 7-17-69 To Emery Industries, Inc., to construct a RR crossing across June St.
Ord. No. Date Description
67-1969 11-6-69 To the Cincinnati Gas & Electric Co. for construction and maintenance of underground electrical service facilities, a 10 ft. easement and right of way in NW part of the City.
47-1970 10-1-70 To the Cincinnati Gas & Electric Co. to install underground electric service from Burnet Ave. to school physical education building.
14-1973 9-6-73 To the City from the Development Corp. for an easement in the N. Vine St. Urban Renewal Project.
77-1973 12-20-73 To the Cincinnati Gas and Electric Co. to erect and maintain electrical service facilities in Ross Park at S.W. corner of I-75 and Vine St.
30-1974 4-18-74 To the City from the Development Corp. for sewer purposes in the N. Vine St. Urban Renewal Project.
22-1976 5-6-76 To Cincinnati Gas and Electric Co. for 10 foot wide easement to construct, operate and maintain pipelines.
46-1977 11-3-77 To Cincinnati Gas and Electric Co. for 15 foot easement near Church St., in connection with construction of new police station.
40-1978 12-7-78 To State over Parcels 51-LA and 51-T for SR 75 improvement at Vine St. overpass.
29-1979 10-18-79 Procter and Gamble Co. to construct, maintain and operate a conveyor bridge over Vine St.
22-1980 3-20-80 To Procter and Gamble Co. for construction of railroad siding across Railroad Ave.
24-1980 4-3-80 To Cincinnati Gas and Electric Co. for construction and maintenance of poles in SE limited access right of way line of I-75.
18-1981 7-2-81 To City of St. Bernard from St. Bernard Eagles for an existing driveway.
15-1983 4-7-83 To Cincinnati Gas & Electric Co. for the construction and maintenance of poles to 130 West Ross Ave.
35-1989 7-6-89 To St. Bernard Ludlow Grove Historical Society to use portion of City property at corner of Clay St. and Girl Scout Lane.
7-1990 2-1-90 To Procter and Gamble Co. for structural steel pipe bridge over June St.
30-2000 8-3-00 To the State of Ohio for placement of a concrete barrier along Ross Park and Interstate 75.
41-2007 10-4-07 Authorizing the execution and acceptance of a public storm sewer easement from J.M. Smucker, LLC.
62-2011 11-17-11 Grants an easement for electric and telecommunication lines and related facilities to Duke Energy, Ohio, Inc. on Village owned property in Ross Park.
9-2012 3-1-12 Authorizing an easement with Proctor and Gamble Co. for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a private sewer to discharge storm water into the Ross Run Trunk Sewer.
14-2012 4-5-12 Accepts a temporary easement from the Ohio Department of Transportation for the Highway Project HAM 75-6.78.
39-2012 9-6-12 Authorizing the granting of an easement for electric and telecommunication lines and related facilities to Duke Energy, Ohio, Inc. on Village of St. Bernard-owned real property known as St. Bernard Square for the purpose of enabling Duke to relocate its existing lines on Village-owned property.
36-2013 10-3-13 To Timothy Hackney to construct a parking lot on Village property at 5001 Tower Avenue.
39-2013 10-17-13 Granting an easement for electric facilities to Duke Energy on Village owned property on Parcel #582-0002-0017 for the purpose of enabling Duke to service the St. Bernard Service Center at 5226 Vine Street.
50-2013 12-5-13 Granting an easement for electric facilities to Duke Energy on Village owned property on Parcel #582-0013-0178 for the purpose of enabling Duke to service the St. Bernard Safety Center at 4200 Vine Street.
27-2014 6-19-14 Acceptance of a public storm sewer and yard drain easement from the Village of St. Bernard to the Friars Club, Inc.
11-2018 3-1-18 Granting a perpetual easement to construct and maintain a storm & sanitary sewer from the Village to the Renee Duncan, LLC.
37-2018 11-8-18 Authorizing the granting of an easement to Duke Energy on Village property at 4200 Vine Street for the purpose of enabling Duke to install a substation.
13-2020 7-30-20 Authorizing the granting of an easement to Duke Energy on Village owned real property at 4200 Vine Street for the purpose of enabling Duke to perform necessary work for natural gas transportation.
04-2023 2-23-23 Vacates interest in parking easement across a portion of the parking lot at the southwest corner of Martin Street and Vine Street presently owned by MRM.