(a)   No person, firm or corporation in charge of any premises within the Village, whether as owner, tenant, lessee, occupant, or otherwise, shall allow in any way or permit the placement or use of permanent or portable recreational equipment, including but not limited to basketball goals, backboards, skate ramps, hockey nets, and soccer nets, in the public right-of-way, including the sidewalk, driveway apron, tree lawn and roadways.
   (b)   Following the receipt of written notice by the Mayor or his or her designee, the person in charge will remove the recreational equipment from the right-of-way within 24 hours. This written notice shall be served upon the person in charge, either personally or by leaving written notice at his usual place of residence, or by certified mail addressed to his or her last known address. Said written notice shall serve to put the recipient on notice with respect to the requirements of the referenced section of the Codified Ordinances and obviate the need for additional written notice within 365 days of the date of the notice.
   (c)   If the person in charge fails to remove the recreational equipment from the right-of-way, within 24 hours after receipt of notice, the Village may cause the equipment to be removed from the right-of-way. The person in charge may redeem and retrieve, at his or her own effort and expense, the recreational equipment from the Village within 14 calendar days. If the person in charge does not redeem and retrieve the recreational equipment within the 14 calendar day period, the equipment is deemed abandoned and the Village may dispose of it as it chooses. The Village is not responsible for any damage to the recreational equipment sustained during the removal and storage of the recreational equipment.
   (d)   If recreational equipment redeemed and retrieved from the Village in accordance with section (c) above, is returned to the right-of-way at any time, the Village, without further notice to the person in charge, may cause the equipment to be permanently removed and may dispose of as the equipment as the Village chooses, and without any liability on the part of the Village.
(Ord. 23-2014. Passed 5-15-14.)