1159.18 SIGNAGE.
   Signage shall be provided in accordance with the standards of Chapter 1185, Sign Regulations.
   (a)   Signs should respect the overall architectural composition of the building and its scale while not overwhelming the facade. Sign colors must be complementary to the building's material and colors must meet the permitted colors for the HHD as set forth in Section 1159.16(a). Signs may not cover architectural features.
   (b)   Wall signs should be affixed on a continuous, flat, vertical, opaque surface and cannot project more than six inches from the building surface.
   (c)   Wall signs should not extend higher than the bottom sill of the second story window, or above the lowest point of the roof, or over 25 feet above grade (whichever is lower). They must be at least six inches from the lintel or other trim of the window above or below it.
   (d)   Window signs may only be applied directly to the inside surface of the window glass. The letters should be four inches or less and symbols cannot be larger than eight inches.
   (e)   Wall signs should have a simple design and shall not have more than three lines of letters.
   (f)   Signs shall only be illuminated by an exterior lighting source. Internally illuminated back lit and neon signage is prohibited.
   (g)   No perpendicular signs are permitted. (Ord. 32-11. Passed 6-2-11.)