The Planning Commission shall not approve a request for a Planned Unit Development Overlay unless it shall, in each specific case. make specific findings of fact. Directly based upon the particular evidence presented to it, which support the conclusion that:
   (a)   The Planned Unit Development can be substantially completed within the period of time specified in the schedule of development submitted by the applicant
   (b)   The site will be accessible from public roads that are adequate to carry the traffic which will be imposed on them by the proposed development.
   (c)   The streets, sidewalks and bikeways on the site of the proposed development will be adequate to serve both the residents of the proposed development and the community at large. On-site and abutting thoroughfares will be brought into conformity with the Village Thoroughfare Plan.
   (d)   The development will not impose any undue burden on public facilities and services. such as fire and police protection.
   (e)   The development plan contains such proposed covenants, easements and other provisions relating to the proposed development as are reasonably required for the public health, safety and welfare.
   (f)   The location and arrangement of structures, parking areas walks. Lighting, signage and appurtenant facilities will be compatible with the surrounding land uses and designed in a fashion to be cohesive within the proposed development.
   (g)   Natural features such as watercourses and trees will be preserved. to the degree possible, so that they can be incorporated into the layout to enhance the overall design of proposed development and prevent the disruption of natural drainage patterns.
   (h)   The layout is designed to take advantage of the existing land contours in order to provide satisfactory road gradients and suitable building lots and to facilitate the provision of proposed services.
   (i)   Identifiable negative environmental, social or economic effects on surrounding areas and on the community at large will be minimized.
   (j)    The development does not involve uses, activities; layout and building designs that are detrimental to the use of both the proposed facilities and/or nearby properties by reason of excessive traffic, noise or vibration, storm water flooding, air or water emissions, objectionable glare or lack of proper regard for privacy;
   (k)   Buildings are designed with sufficient architectural variety and exterior surface complexity but including elements which serve to visually unify the development;
   (1)   The plan has minimized the size of paved areas or provided adequate visual relief through the use of landscaped islands while providing adequate parking; and
   (m)   The PUD conforms to the goals and objectives set forth in the any Land Use or Comprehensive Plan adopted by the Village at the time of application.
      (Ord. 26-2010. Passed 8-5-10.)