No building, structure or land shall be used and no building or structure shall be erected, altered or enlarged which is arranged or designed for other than one of the following uses, except as provided in Chapter 1189.
   (a)   General. Any use permitted and as regulated in the B-1 and B-2 Districts, except as hereinafter modified.
   (b)   Retail and Services. Art and antique shops, artists' supply stores, interior decorating shops, furniture and appliance stores, self-service laundries, dry cleaning shops, department stores, variety and dime stores, dry goods and apparel stores.
   (c)   Motor Vehicle Services. Motor vehicle display, hire and sales and public    garage, but not including major motor vehicle repair, provided all operations other than display and sales shall be wholly within a completely enclosed building; further provided, that buildings used for minor repair or motor vehicles or public garage shall be at least fifty feet from any R-District and shall have no openings adjoining the R-District, other than stationary windows and fire escapes, and further provided that no entrance or exit shall be within 200 feet along the same side of a street of any school, public playground, church, hospital, public library, or institution for dependents or children, except where the lot for such use is in another block or on another street which the lot in question does not abut, and no oil draining pit or visible appliance for such purpose, other than filling caps, shall be located within ten feet of any street lot line or within twenty-five feet of any R-District except where such appliance or pit is within an enclosed building
   (d)   Eating and Drinking Establishments. Drive-in eating and drinking places, summer gardens and road houses, provided the principal building is distant not less than 100 feet from any R-District.
   (e)   Printing and Related Trades. Publishing, job printing, lithographing, blue printing, etc.
(Ord. 12-1966. Passed 10-10-66.)