Improvement Construction Specifications
Section 1 General.
The minimum requirements which a subdivider shall be required to make in a subdivision prior to approval of the final map by the Planning Commission and Director of Public Service and Safety shall be as prescribed in the forgoing provisions.
Section 2 Streets.
The subdivider shall provide streets and alleys completed to grades shown on plans, profiles and cross sections. Such plans, profiles and cross sections shall be a part of or accompany the preliminary plat and shall be approved by the Village Planning Commission and Director of Public Service and Safety before construction begins.
The streets shall be graded to the dimensions required by the cross sections prescribed for such streets by the Thoroughfare Plan. The streets shall be surfaced in the manner prescribed by the Village Engineer. Copies of specifications for street surfacing may be obtained from the Village Engineer.
Section 3 Sidewalks.
Sidewalks shall have a width of four feet and shall be required on both sides of a street in all subdivisions where all lots have either a width of less than eighty feet at the building line, or where the area is less than fifteen thousand square feet. The Planning Commission may require that sidewalks be constructed where lot frontage is greater than eighty feet where they may be essential to pedestrian movement and safety. Sidewalks shall be constructed in all instances along secondary or primary highways as indicated on the Thoroughfare Plan.
Section 4 Storm Drainage.  
Storm drainage including drain tile around basements shall not be permitted to empty into any sanitary sewer.
Where a public storm sewer is reasonably accessible, as determined by the Village Engineer, the subdivider shall connect with such storm drainage system and shall do such grading and provide such drainage structures as may be required.
Where a public storm water system is not reasonably accessible, as determined by the Planning Commission, but where the plans fit the storm water drainage system of the district in which the subdivision is located have been prepared and officially approved, the subdivider shall install drainage facilities as may be required by the Village Engineer in conformity with such official plans.
If the subdivision is in an area where the public storm water system is not available, the subdivider shall do such grading and provide such drainage structures as may be required by the Village Engineer.
Whenever the construction of streets and necessary storm water system in a subdivision is such that direction of storm water flow is diverted to affect surrounding properties, the develop shall obtain sufficient drainage easements to provide adequate disposal of the storm water.
Section 5 Sewage Disposals.
(a) Sanitary Sewers: If a subdivision can be reasonably sewered by the extension of an existing public sanitary sewer, as determined by the Planning Commission, the subdivider shall provide lateral connections for each lot. Whenever main sewer and water lines are installed, sewer and water shall be extended to the property lines.
Section 6 Water Supply.
Where public water supply is within reasonable distance as determined by the Village Engineer, the subdivider shall construct a system of water mains and connect with such water supply and provide a connection for each lot.
Section 7 Survey Monuments.
A complete survey shall be made by a registered engineer or a registered surveyor.
The traverse of the exterior boundaries of the tract and of each block, when computed from field measurements of the ground, shall close within a limit of error of one foot to 10,000 of the perimeter before balancing the survey.
The subdivider shall install monuments of concrete with a diameter of not less than six inches and a length of thirty-six inches, cast in place with a copper dowel three-eighths of an inch in diameter, imbedded so that the top of the dowel shall be not more than one-quarter inch above the surface and at the center of the monument.
Monuments shall be set so that the top is level with the established grade adjoining it and placed so that the marked point on the metal center shall coincide exactly with the intersection of all angles in the boundary line and at the beginning and ending of all curves along streets on the inside street lines.
The intersection of street property lines and lot corners not marked by concrete monuments as required above, shall be marked by galvanized or wrought iron pipe, or iron or steel bars at least two feet in length and not less than five-eights inch in diameter, the top of the pipe or bar to be set level with the established grade of the ground adjoining it.
Section 8 Row-House or Town-House.
A plat of subdivision prepared for the purpose of recording row-house lots shall contain the following covenants which shall run with the land.
   (a) The owner of a row-house, his agents, employees, contractors and their employees, may enter upon an abutting lot for the purpose of making necessary exterior repairs to his row-house but if any damage is done thereby, he shall restore the premise of the abutting lot to their former condition.
   (b) Exterior colors of a row-house, its features and trim applied or specified by the developer, who may apply or specify colors as illustrated in Federal Standards: Color TT-C595; 1956 or as subsequently amended, may not be changed unless a majority of the owners of the abutting row-houses under a common roof agree in writing to such changes in the colors that were applied or specified by the developer.
   (c) No fence, over eighteen inches high, car port, garage, shed, or other structure shall be erected in the front yard of a row-house or the side yard of an exterior lot.
   (d) No driveway is permitted and no car is permitted to be placed on any part of the front yard of a row-house. A driveway is permitted for each lot, but the width of the driveway shall not exceed eight feet. No other yard space may be used for the standing of vehicles other than the driveway permitted on rear of lot.
   (e) Any radio or television antenna erected on a individual row-house shall not be more than ten feet above the highest point of the roof nor larger than five feet in any horizontal dimension.
   (f) Each owner shall maintain his property in good repair including, but not limited to, the removing of dead plant material, the regular mowing of grass, the keeping of the wood and metal surface properly painted and free of blisters, and the proper maintaining of all gutters, roofs, walls, sidewalks and steps.
   (g) No change may be made in the exterior material used for the exterior walls, doors, windows, trim and roof unless a majority of the owners of the abutting row-houses under a common roof agree in writing to such change.
   (h) The forgoing are covenants which run with the land and shall be binding to the fullest extent possible by law on the owners of the lots depicted on this plat. Said covenants shall be enforceable by                    (the developer) the owner of any lot depicted of this plat and the Village of St. Bernard or any one or all of them in any manner provided by law including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, by action for specific performance or injunctive relied. In addition, the owners of two or more row-houses, in the event of default by an owner or owners of a row-house within the same row-house building to observe and comply with the covenants set forth, shall have the right to go upon the row-house lot of the defaulting owner and to perform, or have performed, the work necessary or desirable to comply with the covenants set forth and to recover cost thereof from said defaulting owner. Each owner of a row-house lot depicted on this plat. specifically agrees by the purchase of said lot to reimburse the owners of any row--house lots depicted on this plot, for work done on his row-house lot pursuant to this covenant.
   (i) Lot area, frontage and yard requirements: The following requirements shall be observed, except as otherwise provided in Chapters 1177 and 1179 of the Zoning Ordinance:
Lot Area (square feet)
Lot Area
Minimum Lot Area Per D.U.
Front Yard
Rear Yard
2 times the distance from building line to center line of street
efficiency 400
1 and 2 story
25 feet
intermed 550
20 feet
Add 3 feet per story
regular 550
Add 2 feet per story above second.
Minimum Side Yards
Least Width
Sum of Least Width
1 and 2
5 feet
12 feet
over 2 stories
Add 3 feet per story
Add 6 feet per story
(Ord. 29-1967. Passed 9-7-67; Ord. 24-2019. Passed 12-17-19.)