(a)   Accompanying any agreement between the Grantee and the Village shall be a complete plan of the Telecommunications System filed with the Village prior to the making of any agreement between the parties. Such plans shall have a complete time table of construction of Grantee's Telecommunications System and when it will be completed within the Village.
   (b)   Such plans shall also be subject to approval by the Village, including all construction and time tables within the Village. With the maps given to the Village, Grantee shall provide a detailed description of the type and quantity of communications cabling and the conduit, i.e., fiber, coaxial, twisted pair, fiber count, pair count, etc.
   (c)   Prior to doing any excavation or relocating work Grantee must apply for and obtain appropriate permits from the Village, give appropriate notices to the Village or bureaus of the Village or the Village's infrastructure coordinating committee or other units of government ongoing or maintaining facilities which may be affected by the proposed excavation.
   (d)   Grantee's system will be constructed and maintained so as not to interfere with any Village or County property including sewers, water pipes or any other property.
(Ord. 17-1997. Passed 5-15-97.)