(A)   Employment Classifications. Employees are classified according to the following guidelines:
      Salaried Exempt. This classification includes all Elected Officials and Department Heads and supervisory and administrative personnel as defined by the Fair Labor Standards Act. Salaried Exempt employees are exempt from overtime. Salaried Exempt employees are paid at a fixed salary rate with the expectation that the work load will dictate the number of hours worked.
      Full-Time. Those employees scheduled to work a minimum of forty (40) hours per work week on a continuous basis. Full-time employees are eligible for overtime pay and compensatory time.
      Part-Time. Those employees hired to work a maximum of one thousand (1,000) hours per calendar year. As regards to seasonal employees not employed in the City's Parks & Recreation Department, Part-time employees may only be scheduled to work a maximum of three (3) days per week (24 hours or less), with a maximum of four and one-half (4.5) days per pay period (36 hours or less). As regards to those seasonal employees hired to work in the City's Parks & Recreation Department, Part-Time employees may only be scheduled to work a maximum of twenty-eight (28) hours or less per week. (Ord. No. 1663; 02-25-13)
      Special Assignment, Professionals. Professionals and those employees hired for a specific project for a limited period and may include those hired to fill in summer vacations, illness and the like. Such employees are hired with the understanding that their employment is to terminate upon completion of the project or at the end of the period. Special Assignment may be either full-time or part-time as determined by the requirements of the job. Professional employees are not entitled to overtime and compensatory time but are entitled to other benefits.
      Special Assignment, Nonprofessional. Nonprofessional employees are like the special assignment, professional employees except that nonprofessional are entitled to overtime and compensatory time, but not to benefits.
      Volunteers. Those individuals who accept on an unpaid basis various work assignments for any department. These individuals receive no wages nor benefits.
   (B)   Paychecks. Employees shall receive their paycheck on a bi-weekly basis. (Ord. No. 1214; 04-28-03)
   (C)   Compensation. The basic rate of pay shall be set forth in the "Appropriation Ordinance" adopted by the City Council.
   (D)   Overtime. Overtime at one and one-half (1 ½) times the regular rate of pay is available to non-exempt employees working more than a forty (40) hour work period.
   (E)   Salary Increases. Employees are eligible for a salary increase as provided in the annual Budget appropriation ordinance.