The following “levels” are guidelines, set based upon the advice of the Community Water Advisory Committee, however, the Mayor may increase the declared “level” based on a perceived pending public health and safety issue.
   (A)   Ongoing conservation recommendations and actions.
      (1)   Continue education programs.
      (2)   No water hookups will be made until a building permit has been issued.
      (3)   Encourage drought resistant landscaping projects.
      (4)   Encourage repair of water leaks in homes.
      (5)   Encourage installation of water saving devices.
   (B)   Level I - Moderate Yellow. - (Storage tanks are not refilling in a 24-hour period, but have a high level mark of at least 50% of capacity during that period). The following limitations, actions and requests are implemented upon the Mayor’s declaration that a Level I water shortage classification exists:
      (1)   Ongoing conservation measures, plus:
         (a)   Initiate alternate evening watering periods for the purpose of home yard and outside irrigation only based on street address;
         (b)   House numbers ending in even number may water Sunday evening, Tuesday evening, and Thursday evening, watering period limited from 7:00 p.m. through 7:00 a.m. the following morning; and
         (c)   House numbers ending in odd number may water Monday evening, Wednesday evening and Friday evening, the watering period limited from 7:00 p.m. through 7:00 a.m. the following morning.
      (2)   No open end hose watering. Must use a restrictive device on the end of the hose;
      (3)   No more than one hour per sprinkle setting (location or area);
      (4)   No outside watering on weekends from Saturday 7:00 a.m. through Sunday 7:00 p.m.;
      (5)   No outside watering the evening before a national holiday;
      (6)   No washing of vehicles, driveways or any outside cleaning with water; and
      (7)   No recharging of yard fountains or artificial streams.
   (C)   Level II - High, Orange. (Following a minimum of three straight days of “(moderate) Level I Condition” or tanks are less than 10% of capacity). The following limitations, actions and requests are implemented upon the Mayor’s declaration that a Level II water shortage classification exists: Level I measures, plus:
      (1)   No landscape irrigation; and
      (2)   Request:
         (a)   Limit toilet flushing;
         (b)   Collect warm-up water for use on plants;
         (c)   Full load washing machine only;
         (d)   Full load dish washing only; and
         (e)   Reduce bath water level and shower time by one-half.
   (D)   Level III - Extremely High, Red. (Negative supply to demand or a minimum of three days of Level II). The following limitations, actions and requests are implemented upon the Mayor’s declaration that a Level III water shortage classification exists: Level II measures, plus:
      (1)   No outside watering; and
      (2)   Request:
         (a)   Drink or wash with “warm-up”/”cool down” water;
         (b)   Limit domestic use;
         (c)   One bath/week/person; and
         (d)   No washing machines.
(Prior Code, § 4.04.040)